
Hey everyone, I just posted a bunch of chapters (all the way up to 15! what?!) just in time for you to escape political discussions with your family over the holidays!


Hey there!  Thought I'/d catch up on your story, but it doesn't seem to be available anymore! What happened?


@JosephRussellAuthor oh, hello! How flattering! I unpublished it because I am getting a whole-book beta-read from someone... And somehow that made sense at the time? Writing out now makes that not make much sense. I'll republish now!


Thanks so much for the follow!  I've started reading Strains of Magic, which I'm really enjoying, and I've left you a comment :)  I'm delighted you've put Lonely Worlds in your reading list - please do let me know what you think once you've read it!  I'd really appreciate any feedback.