
It's been so long since I've been on my page! I took quite a long break as I've been a bit busy with life. I just moved states and haven't fully settled into my own place yet, but I am hoping to get back into the swing of things. 
          	So hello and hi to all my old and new followers.


It's been so long since I've been on my page! I took quite a long break as I've been a bit busy with life. I just moved states and haven't fully settled into my own place yet, but I am hoping to get back into the swing of things. 
          So hello and hi to all my old and new followers.


"Not Canada"
          Oh, you :'D


Thanks. I'll be your older sister who lives in your closet


@LBNorton Can you adopt me so I am?


Sorry for the edits - I wanted to make sure that the scene changes were a bit more obvious and needed to edit a few mistakes on typing Evan's instead of Evans. Habit. :) Still working on chapter 12 - it's going slowly and I'm worried this chapter might not be up to par with its predecessors but I will continue and let you all sort out what you think of it. :)
          Nearly 1k words so far. I hope to have it up by next week :)


And I'm done! Wow, thanks for being so patient, guys! I'm so happy that I got that finished and up!
          So, I wanted to share some upcoming plans with you.
          Rigor Samsa will get a sequel and a prequel (that shows how Danny and Adam met). Of course, these will not be in the works until RS is completed which may take a while more (the story has a lot more to tell). 
          I am planning three Rigor Samsa spin-offs with a few of the background characters in the story. 
          And finally, I plan on starting a Werewolf story and a short story collection.
          I have an entire list of stories I'd like to write, but I will likely try and only work on two at a time for awhile.


I apologize that this chapter is taking forever. I've had to redo the entire middle part so many times. But I'm on track now and about 60-70% done with this chapter. I am hoping by the end of this holiday weekend, I'll have it done and up for your enjoyment! I'm thoroughly loving the new direction of this chapter and hope you enjoy!