
Hello everyone!
          	I decided to start posting my story “It’s Time” on Quotev. I’ve been wanting to expand my writing on other platforms other than Wattpad. I will still be posting on here, but I will also be posting chapters from my story on there as well. If you would like to check me out on Quotev, my user is @Maybe131 just like on here. 
          	I hope you all have a great day, afternoon, or night! Bye ❤️


Hello everyone!
          I decided to start posting my story “It’s Time” on Quotev. I’ve been wanting to expand my writing on other platforms other than Wattpad. I will still be posting on here, but I will also be posting chapters from my story on there as well. If you would like to check me out on Quotev, my user is @Maybe131 just like on here. 
          I hope you all have a great day, afternoon, or night! Bye ❤️


Hello everyone!
          I’d like to apologize for my hiatus. Recently I lost motivation and confidence in myself. I will continue to write It’s Time, but I’m unsure when this will happen. This story is something I’ve wanted to complete since the original, and I plan to make it happen. Once I regain more confidence in my ability, I will continue to work on it. I’m really sorry for any of those I left hanging, I wasn’t planning on being away for this long. Whether it be a week, a few weeks, a month, a few months, or even a year, I will finish It’s Time.
          I hope you all have a great day, afternoon, or night, bye!!! ❤️


Hello everyone!
          I finally finished chapter 3 of It’s Time, and it’s posted! If you’re interested, please go check it out! I’ll hopefully now be back on schedule, but I can’t make promises.
          I hope you all have a great day, afternoon, or night! Bye! ❤️


Hello everyone!
          I was a little busy last week, so I wasn’t able to work on Chapter 3 of It’s Time. I’ve gotten started on it, so I’ll hopefully have it up sometime this week. This will probably ruin my schedule for when chapters come out, but I hope that’ll be fixed soon. I’m very sorry!
          I hope you all have a great day, afternoon, or night! Bye! ❤️


Hello everyone!
          It’s official! Chapter One of “It’s Time” is finally published. I worked really hard to make it the best it can be, but of course there’s mistakes I may have missed. If you’re interested, please check it out! I love constructive criticism, so please give me some if you can! 
          Thank you all so much! I hope you all have a great day, afternoon, or night! Bye! ❤️


Hello everyone!
          It’s been awhile since I’ve been on here, but I thought I’d let you all know that I’ve been working on re-writing my book “It’s Time!” I’ve currently finished Ch. 1 and now in the process of editing it. I don’t know how often I’ll publish each chapter because I’ve been working on making them longer than I usually do. My goal is to make each chapter at least 1,500 words or more. I hope to try and post a chapter once a week, or once every two weeks. We’ll see what happens. I plan on publishing Ch. 1 either Monday or Tuesday next week, so I hope to see you there! If you want to read “It’s Time” early, I still have the old version up. It’s unfinished and quite bad to be honest. But if you like that version, I truly hope you’ll love the new version just the same!
          I hope you all have a wonderful day, afternoon, or night! Bye! ❤️


@Maybe131 you have a good day, afternoon or night


Hello everyone
          It’s been awhile since I’ve been on this app. I didn’t really think I’d come back. You see, Wattpad hasn’t really been an interest of mine for a long time, but I also feel bad for just leaving. I want to improve my writing, but I’m not sure if this is the app for me to do so. I want to branch out and find different apps in hopes I can improve elsewhere. I know I had a book “It’s Time” sitting untouched, and I would love to pick it back up. But I feel as if it’s gone stale. I plan on rewriting it with my new writing skills, and hopefully make it much more wonderfully written. I don’t know if I’ll be on this app anymore, and if I am, I want to remake this whole account into things I currently enjoy.
          I love you all! I hope you have a wonderful day, afternoon, or night! Bye!


Hello everyone!
          I kinda have a concern about my book: It’s Time. 
          I don’t like it... at all. I just have no motivation to write it, and I absolutely hate the story in general. I really want to finish it, but at the same time, I actually don’t want too. 
          I’ve been trying to discover what kind of writer I am, and I’m leaning towards more short stories and possibly poetry. For me, I just don’t cut out to write a full on book. 
          I’m really sorry everyone, I just don’t have any motivation to write It’s Time anymore. But I also just want to finish it, but I can’t get myself to do it anymore. I’m really sorry.
          I hope you all have a great day, afternoon, or night. Bye! ❤️


@Cookiez188 Yes, I will finish the book eventually. I don’t want to not complete it, because I feel like it does have potential, but I just lost that touch. I had a really good idea for the ending, and I don’t want it to go to waste. So I will finish it, I just don’t know how long it’ll take. I have a bit of writers block right now.


Hello everyone!
          I would like to apologize for my inactivity. Now that school has started, I’ve been very busy with homework and my activities. On top of that all, I’ve been dealing with writers block. I hope you all can understand. Hopefully It’s Time will be updated, but I’m unsure how soon that will be.
          I hope you all have a great day, afternoon, or night. Bye! ❤️