Hi my name is Rose Paster!
I like writing stories so one of my friends set me up on Wattpad! I can only update on weekends or when ever I can be bothered. I'm just lazy that way, so if any of you peops get hooked on one of my stories (highly unlikey) then don't get your hopes up on an update everyday it'll probs be every two to three weeks (yes I am that cool),.
I have always wanted to be able to fly. Just how amazing would it be to soar above the clouds with wings from you back. Totally free. Lol even though I am shit scared of heights.
My hobbies are.......
Playing soccer. (I'm a total soccer nut)
Stamp collecting (lol jokes)
Playing guitar (I'm hoping to start a band)
There are more but writing them all will probably bore you guys to shit.
I Fan girl over....
Harry Potter
The Hunger Games (who doesn't?)
Maximum Ride (If you have not read this series then you have no life!!! Favourite ever!! Best book ever!)
PERCY JACKSON! OMG! XD <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Any other book by James Patterson (Fave Author)
My band favourite is..... *drum roll* NOT ONE DIRECTION! It's The Hilltop Hoods.
So that's me! Please read ma stories (they suck donkey balls!)

Ex Oh Ex Oh
Rose <3

  • Pennsylvania
  • JoinedApril 23, 2013
