
I actually may or may  not be back....we'll see.
          	I will be posting more Hamilton in the Heights as it seems to be getting some reception.
          	Also I'll be posting a new Hamilton story.


          The real story of Kanye is coming soon.
          I am in the midst of typing it.
          Bear with me.
          It is a satirical comedy.
          I anticipate that it'll either ne a hit or miss.
          We'll see what happens.
          I've tweeted Kanye a few times to get his input, but he has not responded.
          - McCartha


Hi! Long time no post!
          I've been going through a lot lately with college application and visits.
          I removed The Very Thought of You from Wattpad, and I am going to re-write it and perfect it!
          Then I may repost it.
          Also for the WUON fans, I AM SO SORRY ABOUT THAT ONE
          I am trying so hard, but I don't think you guys understand the struggle.
          I will try to be on more, but I can't make any promises.


I am at the moment writing another chapter of Neverland!
          It's hard writing since my inspiration is gone.
          OUAT killed off Pan. </3
          But with the use of OUAT crack videoss and re-watching old episodes I will continue to write it!
          Plus who wouldn't want to finish a Robbie Kay fanfiction?


I want to post a story.
          But if I do it will be all over the place.
          There is no definite story line.
          All I have is small sections from different scenes of it.
          It involves Matt Smith, Paul McCartney, Benedict Cumberbatch, Rupert Graves, Martin Freeman, Jonathan Groff, Marc Anthony, AND A LOT MORE
          If you are interested, please tell me cuz IDK if I should post it.