
Hello! Would anyone like an update?
          	Well, more accurately, a re-write.
          	There's a previous message posted where I went into more detail, but I figured I'd send another and alerts those who may care.
          	Apologies for my absence and thank you so much for reading.
          	- Plant


Hello! Would anyone like an update?
          Well, more accurately, a re-write.
          There's a previous message posted where I went into more detail, but I figured I'd send another and alerts those who may care.
          Apologies for my absence and thank you so much for reading.
          - Plant


I'm not dead! Suprise!
          I'm thinking about picking up writing on here again, but I'm not sure. I haven't stopped writing, but I rarely write awkward beginnings and the start of a plot before getting writers block and finding a new prompt.
          My writing style has changed a lot, as have my tastes, but I haven't fallen out of the genres I was obsessed with completely.
          On that topic, I was thinking of rewriting my series in my current style. I would keep the names and general characters the same, but the plot would probably be a bit different from the orgional one I worked with. By the end I was basicially forcing myself to write it and in my opinion, the lack of motivation was blatantly obvious. That and I HATE how bad I wrote back then. It's gotten much better, though I'm not sure I'd say I'm "good" or anything.
          So, if anyone would like that, let me know.
          Otherwise, let me know if I should write anything else on here. I have hella Google Docs filled with half-stories and some of them I wouldn't mind finishing. Keep in mind, some stories won't get endings and it'll suck for everyone. I hate cliffhangers (I might write a quick one chapter ending that ties off most of the loose ends so I could delete it in the off chance I pick it up again).


Really would like an end to book 4 of damned series