
Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you know that I'm still alive! I'm in the process of moving and starting a new career—so I sincerely apologize for my hiatus. I hope to start publishing in the next month. Thank you for your patience. 
          	P.S. Just experience the first night of the Overwatch League Grand Finals! It was amazing! If you get any opportunity to go in the future, I highly recommend it. 
          	P.P.S. Hope this post finds you well. 


@1-800-sendnudes nice. Who's your favorite team?


@MeiSanniang My top favs have to be Muma, Jjonak, and Pine.


@1-800-sendnudes Honestly, I did not have one until tonight. Right now, I'm really liking the London Spitfire! I've only liked individual players up til tonight. My favorite players are Ryujehong, Birdring, and now Profit! What about you?


Hi :) I've been reading your stuff since I was in high school and 21 now. It’s crazy how time flies by. I know everyone has a life and has responsibilities to meet but I hope you are doing well. We all miss you deeply. It’s been hard finding stuff like yours nowadays but we all have to live on and adapt to changes now and again. 


Hi mei! I just wanted to say that I love all your books that you have wrote!! I keep coming back to Reinhardt's part especially 
          Oh and of course I wanted to say I hope you are doing great!! I hope everything are doing well!! We will be waiting for you to come back and countinue reading your masterpiece!!!
          Much love from all of us 


I know it’s been a few years and I completely understand that some circumstances in your life could have possibly changed your thoughts on coming back to Wattpad, but if push comes to shove just know we miss you very much and while you don’t owe us any explanation I just hope that you’re doing okay


Even though you didn't active here anymore or something happens just want your to know that your writing is the best all time I ever read. Miss u so much and thank you for your passion in every book you had written. <3