
I hope you guys know that I love you, right? If not, I love you <3 
          	Have a great day, and the rest to come.


Sorry guys...
          I feel like the walls are closing in in me, and all the oxygen was swiped from my lungs. Someone stole my voice, and no matter what I say no one hears me. 
          That's how I feel when I'm having my panic or anxiety attacks. 
          And right now I don't feel very comfortable with wattpad anymore, this shell from reality isn't very affective anymore and I need a wake-up call. whenever I write, I don't feel inspired anymore and homework is too much. Panic and anxiety attacks are happening more often now but I dealing with it best I can. My cuts are healing and I haven't done it since forever. Feels nice.
          I just wanted to thank you guys for being awesome readers and friends. Keep being your amazing selfs and if you feel like no one cares, just remember that just because I'm going inactive, doesn't mean I don't care about you anymore. Im here. 
          So here's my final and last goodbye. Maybe one day I'll come back and continue writing stories, but for now,
          This is MelKitten,
          Signing off


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Just because someone doesn't think about anything the way you do doesn't  mean it isn't an opinion, that's actually one of the reasons  it's called an opinion. Dehumanizing really? You're reading a book  that said a girl looked like a child molestor . But she said no offense so you took it with a grain of salt and laughed. Sorry your royal highness do you want me to go back  and put no offense?  your standards  are a bit fucked up if you ask me 


@JacobCoby29 Thank you but we FINALLY resolved this fight in a PM. Thanks anyway


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@TheAmericanWriter oh and also, the girl said it was for fun, so get the fuck off my account and go hate on someone else. Alright Sir AmericanWriter?! Jeez Fucking Louise!


@Skye-Daisy_Johnson thank you, really! But this person obviously dosent have anything to do when she specifically read a book thats called a BURN BOOK. so obviously she dosent know what a burn book is (neither what an opinion is... >.<) But thank you for standing up for me