
So, uh, it's not February lmao. BUT chapter 4 of Sakura Mochi is coming out today, Friday! Expect to see that pop up. I won't speak more about other chapters to avoid getting hopes up, but don't expect me to give up anytime soon!


@Mel_Needs_Help I have no doubt it is!


@hamiltonlaurel Thank you so much! I appreciate your patience and I hope the story is well worth the wait!


...and thanks for the update!


So, uh, it's not February lmao. BUT chapter 4 of Sakura Mochi is coming out today, Friday! Expect to see that pop up. I won't speak more about other chapters to avoid getting hopes up, but don't expect me to give up anytime soon!


@Mel_Needs_Help I have no doubt it is!


@hamiltonlaurel Thank you so much! I appreciate your patience and I hope the story is well worth the wait!


...and thanks for the update!


When are you going to finish or at least update the 3rd book to blueberry scones?


@AshleyJonesBradley hi! I'm still in the process of writing Sakura Mochi. Unfortunately, a lot of life stuff is going on right now. I'm in the process of a very complicated and stressful move, so I haven't been able to write or do much else of what I enjoy doing. I'm not abandoning the book by any means tho! Thank you for your patience 


If you'd believe it, after almost an entire year, chapter 3 of Sakura Mochi is finally looking promising  been sitting on the first half of it for so long now but I am finally finding the time to start writing little by little. The story has been on my mind for SO long now I swear XD 
          All this to say, expect an update within the next few days before the end of January! 


So uh...hi XD I'm alive! Well, I've been alive for months now. I'm still an active reader on wattpad lmao. 
          I just wanted to say that Sakura Mochi has NOT been abandoned. I'm back in school and juggling some other projects that will shape my future career, so I've been more focused on those at the moment. SM is still always on my mind though. Thank you so much for being patient! I hope it will be worth the wait for y'all.


@Mel_Needs_Help glad  to know that you are alive and well! I will be right here when you get back to Sakura Mochi. Take care of yourself and handle your business.  Blessings


I was just abouta read your story blueberry scones for the first time. It’s been sitting in my library and I figured now was as good a time as any to start reading. But then I saw your profile and I just had to say something. I’ve never posted a message or anything like that on this app. I mostly read and comment. But when I was looking through your likes on your profile I was like “oh they also like anime and music and. WAIT. ZOMBIESSSSSS?!?!?” I literally have an obsession with zombies and zombie stories to the point where I have written zombie poetry before and all my friends and family think I’m weird for it. So yah. Just had to let you know that you’ve made it high onto my cool person list. Anyways, bye, back to the story‍♀️


@HopeGinther Aww, thank you so much! Zombies are for real awesome. I hope you enjoy Blueberry Scones 


The first real chapter of Sakura Mochi has finally been published! Thank you guys so much for your patience with me!


@Mel_Needs_Help YAY!! I can't wait to finish this story. Thanks for the update.


Hi, I just finished reading your stories blueberry scones and twizzlers.It was really good.When will update the third part?? I'm eagerly waiting for that.Pls update soon....


@wishtofly007  Hey, thanks for the update.


@wishtofly007 Hi! The third book is up on my page already! Feel free to check out the first chapter.


It's finally here! The third book in my series! I hope y'all enjoy the prologue. I also posted a separate book for all extras and moved any extras to that book. 


@Mel_Needs_Help woo-hoo! Can't wait to read it!