
Chasing Calamity has already ranked #480 in adventure and it's just been five days since it has been posted. I'm feeling really excited about how things are going and I am tempted to try and enter the wattys. Wish me luck.


So it seems like a lot of people are still coming to this account so I decided to post the updated version of Chasing Normalcy on this account. It has a new title and is now known as Chasing Calamity. I hope that you enjoy. The first several chapters have been completely rehauled and a few characters have changed as well. :)


Hello everyone. So I've had a very busy year, which is why I ended up abandoning this story for so long. I endured my first year of teaching full-time and it was amazing. I feel like I have grown so much, not to mention the fact that I believe my writing style has grown and flourished as well. As a result, I decided to create a new account on Wattpad and re-write my story Chasing Normalcy. I have so many new ideas that I think will make the story stronger, not to mention the fact that I plan to make this story the first book of a series. 
          If you enjoyed my story the first time around, feel free to look at my new account and the revised first chapter of Chasing Normalcy. I believe that the re-written version will be a lot stronger. I included a link at the bottom of this page, but if it is easier for you to search by screen name my new screen name is Melanie_Anne_Johnson. I look forward to hearing from all of my readers. Hopefully you guys haven't given up on me just yet. :) 


Hello everyone, sorry I haven't been able to update. Life has been really hectic here.  My sister just had her baby and he has been really sick so I was helping her out these past few months. I will be posting a new chapter this coming weekend. Hopefully I'll be able to get back into the grove of things.


So there is something about my novel Chasing Normalcy that just doesn't feel right. I am debating if I should just rewrite the whole thing. I am planning to rewrite the first chapter and have people vote to see which version is better...maybe. Or maybe I should just focus on getting the story done first. I just don't know.


So I won't be able to update today because I lost my glasses. If I try to type a chapter without them, the thing is going to be so riddled with mistakes that it won't be worth posting anyway. If I find my glasses, I'll try to post this weekend instead.