

Hi, I'm introducing one of my stories, if you are interested or looking for something interesting to read at the moment, please do be interested in this story of mine, thank you and have a nice day! <3 
          Brent Zeron Manuel is just too irresistible, too hot, too sexy, and too fcking attractive for Olivia Jean Velasco to handle. As much as she hates to admit it, she's always been attracted to him but she's always chosen someone else despite her desire to have him. 
          But Brent isn't really naive or oblivious to those sneaky glances and tension from Olivia whenever he's around. 
          And when she's finally given the chance, an opportunity to have him... will she finally break the walls that she had built since the first time she met him? 
          Will Olivia finally give in to her desire to have Brent in both her bed and in her heart?


Hello the account you're following
          Is a fraud who constantly steals people's bio's
          The one she has isn't hers, it's @-INCUBUS
          bio, made with their time and effort. This fraud came and stole it from them and has done this twice in the past year, I just wanted to inform you of this as I see that you are following her.

