
Does anyone know wherey profile picture came from.if you find it somewhere can you tag me in it/post the link it's in below


Hello goldfish (:


[ @MemeLover406 ]
            Great xD Now I'm even more confused- y'know what, I'll just drop it


@-sojasauce the explanation toy machinations is quite simple indeed. For the answer is to be the Unga bunga sound funny and the funny words must be spoken.


[ @MemeLover406 ]
            How did I never see this- explanation please?


My family got a kitten a couple days ago and she is adorable. She is currently sleeping in a dog bed and it is indescribable how cute she is. Her name is shady and you all must worship her. It is the law, the punishment for breaking the law is death.


I have for some reason become really picky with the fics I read and i dont know why. Like Seriously last week would enjoy reading a fic where the characters could have had a completely different background and I'd enjoy. But the setting of where the characters in this book changed from real life, and I instantly stopped enjoying it. Halp.


please will you stop commenting with lotus_demon like it's getting annoying and no one likes it, this morning I woke up with 283 notifications from you and lotus_demon. They said they will give up of you give up


@depresso_espressofam  you know i have the audacity to reply to you question a year later just to say we were having fun and we were not gonna let anybody ruin that fun