
I've been rereading my previous Hollow chapters to make sure I don't forget any important details and such. This new chapter is shaping up to look like it might be a long one since I'm not even half way through the seventh episode. I'm sorry for such a long wait. 


@TylerThomas780 I'm working on Hollow and the Rider first and then I might work on Hellboy next


I've been rereading my previous Hollow chapters to make sure I don't forget any important details and such. This new chapter is shaping up to look like it might be a long one since I'm not even half way through the seventh episode. I'm sorry for such a long wait. 


@TylerThomas780 I'm working on Hollow and the Rider first and then I might work on Hellboy next


@MentalMarauder313 Would a Hellboy (2004) + Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008) + Hellboy (2019) × Ghost Rider Male Reader be a good idea?


@johnat101ips-1 You mean like a Ghost Rider Male Reader in the Hellboy movies with Ron Pearlman's Hellboy, Liz and Abe? I could do that, I'm not so sure how I could do the reboot even though I didn't mind David Harbour as Hellboy. It wouldn't be anytime soon though since I'm focusing on these other stories. 


We're back in business. It's slow work but I'm back to writing. I've decided it's a poor choice to have so many books in progress because it takes too much time from the books I should be working on. I'll be leaving Bonded on Hiatus until Hollow is completed. 
          As for next chapter releases I'll be focusing on Hollow, Rider, Honor, and Rise Above. But mainly Hollow and Rider and Rise Above for the time being. 
          I hope you all understand.


@Bbad4567 Thank you! And thank you for sticking around so long! 


@The-spartan-01 Thank you so much! I'll try and get to those chapters when I can. Thank you for sticking around. 


Hey so question are you gonna finish your ghost rider and Wendy fic also if or when you do that there’s officially said to be season 2 coming soon also I have a show for you to watch on Netflix or somewhere else if you can it cause a I think I’m a vampling or something anyways it’s a good show if you watch and like it my request would be to make a ghost rider make oc fic about that to especially since the second season of the vampling show is coming out on next month of the 4th


@NashawnBest That is one of the most heavy hitting things I've been told on this site. I appreciate so much that you think my writing comprehension is enough for full fledged original books. While I'm not sure that's the path I have ahead of me it means a lot you think I'm good enough for that. I really appreciate that and I'll try and make more time for writing when I can. Thank you for reading my stories and I hope to see you around when I post more chapters!


Meant to say rest of your viewer s


Ah it’s fine just wanted to make sure you were still alive or not thinking of quitting on us and your stories so I could know not to needlessly keep look  in by to see for any updates but yeah take your time and update when your ready and have time me and the rest up f your viewers will be waiting for you also I should really tell writers like you should write and make a book with writing skills like yours it’s really a bit of a waste for writers like you with your skills to be writing fanfics only and not being a official authors and writers professionally


Hey everybody, whoops. 
          Something weird happened in my life and I've been getting pretty busy lately with my responsibilities piling up. I've been kind of slacking on writing and I for a long time I had a lot of stories saved up but I never really took the time to read any of them so I've just been kind of doing that for a bit. 
          I've been trying to set aside time to write when I can, I will get out the Hellboy story, Bonded, and Hollow to you all when I can. 
          With all my personal life stuff piling up, whether it's my responsibility or finding time for friends and family aside, I've been having less time to do all the things I want to do. I hope you understand and will continue to be patient with my horrid upload schedule. 
          Also, 170 followers and 13k reads on the Rider! 11k reads on Hollow! I'm very grateful for all your reads, votes and comments. I love to read all your comments even if I can't respond to them or forget to. Thank you all.


@MentalMarauder313 take all the time you need to write theses great story's  


@Bbad4567 Sorry for the late reply, but I wanted to let you know I appreciate this, thank you for sticking around and reading!


@MentalMarauder313 take all the time you need brotha


Can I ask you a question please 


@starwars582 Yes I am! That was the last book I updated before I started attempting to work on the next books at the moment. 
            Fast and Furious and Transformers haven't really been movie series that I have been really invested in. I know that might be a weird thing to say considering how popular they are but I'm not as crazy about them. I'm already doing a lot of stories so maybe at one point I could, but I don't think that will happen anytime soon. Sorry about that.


@MentalMarauder313 are you still doing your ghost rider book and do you think you can never do a fast and furious book or Transformers


@starwars582 Yeah of course! What's on your mind?


First Chapter for Honor (Dishonored x Male Reader x Arcane) is out! If you're into that go give it a read and let me know what you think! Always optional of course however.
          For those curious about the next chapters I will be posting the Hellboy Red Detective next, then Bonded, then Hollow! I hope you can continue to be patient of my terrible upload schedule! Thank you all again for reading my stories, I appreciate your views and all your comments on them!


@Rodan3232 The movies are just amazing. I love rewatching them when I can. Glad you're liking the Hellboy story! Appreciate you reading!


@Eriakali I made an account on it a little bit ago, I have the same name on it but I think it's gonna take me a while to get familiar with all the mechanics. 
            It is very new to me, I feel like an old person looking at new technology for the first time. It's gonna take some getting used to but I'll work it out! Thank you for showing it to me again!


@MentalMarauder313 I'm hyped for the hellboy story. Loved the 2000s hellboy movies


I really like the hollow story. It's great. I barely see any stranger things stories that have original characters that I actually like and remember. Also, I like the parts when y/n was in the upside down with will. It was cool to read so.e of wills experience in the upside down.


@Rodan3232 I'm glad you like that one too! I appreciate it!


@MentalMarauder313 read through your Wednesday story, also great. 


@Rodan3232 Thank you so much! I'm really glad you're enjoying the story! That was one of my worries as well because I've read other stories with OCs and didn't really find them compelling and I was worried I would make the same mistakes with mine but I'm really glad to hear that you like the OCs as well as everyone else. 
            I'm glad you liked the extra Will content and I appreciate you reading! Thank you for your kind words and for your reads! I'm glad you are liking the story.