
Anybody else have a strange sleeping schedule? Like, I literally went to sleep at 5-6 pm last night and then woke up at like 11 pm and have been up ever since. Why does my body decide that it wants to be nocturnal? I get it's spring break but STILL. I have school next week 


Anybody else have a strange sleeping schedule? Like, I literally went to sleep at 5-6 pm last night and then woke up at like 11 pm and have been up ever since. Why does my body decide that it wants to be nocturnal? I get it's spring break but STILL. I have school next week 


I have a very rough idea of a one-shot but I can't decide between really sad ending or happy ending. I have versions of each, should I do just one or both?


@Mental_Outcast take your time. Real life always comes first. No matter what anyone else has to say.


@KasiaJohnson4 thanks! It might not be done for a while as I'm quite busing right now. Me and my mother and our 25 some animals are moving and it's kinda hectic currently.


Hello guys/gals/non-binary pals! I have a task for you if you know about it. I am trying to research different types of Leukemia for a Modern!Hamilton One-Shot (If it goes well, might continue) and its a daunting task. I don't want to have any incorrect info and getting it straight from the source might help!


Holy crap I managed to find out why Peggy wasn't in Act 2. Its cause she became sick in 1799 and died in 1801. To make it sadder Alexander was the only one by her side when she died at the age of 42


@Mental_Outcast Awwwww poor pip!!! good to know that my man Hercules didn't come to a tragic end like his buddies :)


@Mental_Outcast found another tidbit you might find cool: Alex, Eliza, Phillip, and Angelica are all buried next to each other. Although the exact position of Phillip's grave is unknown, as he was not laid to rest in a marked grave.


@MerlynElliot very good question! I took a little bit of time and it seems that he moved back to New York sometime before the end of the revolution, in fact there was even an early draft for a song for him. However, he doesn't appear much in history after the revolution has ended so either he and Alexander drifted apart or they lived close to each other and talked instead of writing.


Oh dear God someone please help me. Highschool starts tomorrow and I haven't been taking my meds and I am all worked up and freaking out. Especially cause we have to wear nametags and they're prefilled out which means it'll have my legal/dead name on it and not my chosen name and I don't want to have to ask my group leader to change it cause they might say no and I don't want my potential classmates to know me as 'deadname' and not Shinso cause then they'll call me that and I don't have the courage to correct people about that and pronouns. And I'm worried that hats won't be allowed cause my mha cap is a major comfort item and I feel half naked without it. And I'm worried that the clothes I wear will be perceived as feminine and not androgynous/masculine and that'll lead to even more stress. Also my highschool is pretty big compared to middle school and I don't do loud noises and/or crowds very well and there's gonna be a lot of both. Tomorrow is literally gonna set of every single thing that makes my anxiety skyrocket and I'm worried I'm gonna break down in the middle of the tour which would lead to even more stress and embarrassment. Plus I'm gonna be tired a fck which will make me even more susceptible to anxiety and dysphoria.
          In short, I think I'm gonna die from anxiety and dysphoria.


Yeah it actually went a lot better than I thought and somehow I was able to be somewhat confident when stating my chosen name  Today's the first official day where everyone is there, yesterday was freshman orientation


@Mental_Outcast anytime hun, I’m always here!


Holy crap I just realized that my bday is tomorrow! We leave next weekend on the 14th for vacation so I won't be active for a week after that. We're going to Vegas! I'm so excited, but not for the heat. My mom promised me that we would go to Vegas for my bday one day, now it's finally happening


Update on our animals!
          We have 4 dogs, oldest to youngest: Athena, Athos, Eevee, and Aja.
          We have 3 cats, oldest to youngest: Aremas, Constance, and D'artegen.
          (Constance and D'artegen are the same age, also his name is pronounced Dar-tan-ian)
          We have a current litter of 2 puppies: Artemis and Apollo. Their mother is Eevee and father is Athos.
          We have 4 geckos: Sky, Skittles, Miro, and Twix.
          (Sky and Skittles are Leos while Miro and Twix are Cresties)
          We have 1 rabbit: Appa. He is a Flemish giant and Giant Angora mix (big boi)
          We have 1 uromastyx: Chewy. (N/n is Chew chew)
          And our newest edition, Gracie the African Grey parrot. We work with a bird rescue and she is our first foster. She has a plucking problem due to her previous owner dying and going to relatives who didn't interact with her at all. So she just sat in her cage all day. But now she's amazing. She doesn't like to step-up but she will like the occasional head-scratches.