
When I started writing on WATTPAD back in 2014 or 15, there were exactly 4 Prince stories. Now I look and HOLY SMOKES!


I wrote THIEVES IN THE TEMPLE  a loooongg time ago. I posted it and took it down.  It didn't get much traction so I thought,"Maybe it's just not good." But I've been reading it and it IS pretty good. I haven't had to do any edits.  Maybe I'm more mature now and less self-conscious, but I'm happy to share this oldie but goody with you.


I am amazed and happy about  you new readers. I really hope you enjoy 69 ways. I posted it in 2013. It wasn’t getting much traction so I took it down. I’m sad that Prince had to die before I could get the reads. But I’m grateful for the positive feedback.