
Update will come out today just as promised! It’d be nice to see some comments of feedback thx


hi, it’s me you’re fav reader ( mwhehe ), but I’ve downloaded this app again bc i suddenly remembered you. where ever u are, n whatever you’re going through. Know that there’s ppl who care for you. Also, this might be the last time I’ll get to update u here. So, I’ve come to say goodbye.


I LOVE YOUUUUU OMDDD I legit took a break from watty and Ao3 as well and like hid all my books. How are you? I’ve just started writing again after so much happened with my family (it was pretty bad so I’m really warmed to see u check up on me) and stupid enough I started writing a Harry Potter fic (James/Regulus). Makes me happy to write again. What’ve you been up to, darling?


hii! It’s been months since i last opened this app. Anyway howw are youuu? I still haven’t changed my profile so you know who it is. A lot has happen but i hope you’re in a decent place rn and ill be back in a couple of weeks or months idrk but goodluck with everything!!


it still feels like yesterday, but its been months since we’ve bern together


hii! Im very much in okay, but really stressed with school huhu, but kinda a big update.. i have a girl!! And she’s so pretty and wonderful ackk


Hiiii im getting along as best I can thank you for asking … how r you? Yes I recognize u of course and I hope everything is well with u too