
I'm so awkward! Trying to get in touch with old friends but can't do it without seeming weird XD. Gdi! To those who I've spoken to today, thank you for tolerating my awkwardness. I missed you guys! To my readers, I'm still at it. Don't worry I'm not dead lol. And to everybody, good night! xxx


I'm so awkward! Trying to get in touch with old friends but can't do it without seeming weird XD. Gdi! To those who I've spoken to today, thank you for tolerating my awkwardness. I missed you guys! To my readers, I'm still at it. Don't worry I'm not dead lol. And to everybody, good night! xxx


I'm coming back, loveeesss! As some of you may have noticed, I've been back at Red & Black. Please note THERE ARE NEW CHAPTERS! The story hasn't changed but there are new parts so please read, vote and comment letting me know what you guys think.
          Love you guyyyyssss!!!