
Hey all!


@-lovelyjackson Thats good! I am doing pretty well myself ☺


Hey all!


@-lovelyjackson Thats good! I am doing pretty well myself ☺


Hello Aaliyah! I’m MJ_SuperFan08 but you can just call me Jess. 
          I hope you’re having a great time here on Wattpad and meeting new peeps. If you couldn’t guess by my name and profile pic, I love MJ. If you ever want to chat, I’m always up for it (unless I’m asleep).
          I’ve been on here for a few months and I’ve already made loads of friends. We’re all really friendly on here so no need to worry XD.
          Well, have a good rest of the day and have fun exploring new profiles and stories. (If you want any suggestions for books to read, you can come to me. I have loads LOL)
          But yeah. That’s it. See ya,
          Jess xxx


Wow u joined 38 mins ago!
          Anyways welcome to Wattpad this is a place where you will read books and make new friends my name is Kyra! Lol and you can pm me any time!


@TheOfficialHusky Yes I did just join! Haha a friend of mine suggested it to me since she knows I love to read and write. Thanks so much Kyra for the welcome and im so looking forward to making friends on here!