I have found a way to combine three of my favorite things: my enjoyment of researching just about anything, the pleasure I get from writing and my fondness for the law. As a writer of legal mysteries it is my hope to entwine compelling who-done-its with unique legal arguments.  

While mysteries are what drive me, I also write romance and young adult.

I am the founder of the imaginary New Grace, South Carolina; a small community of beautiful vistas, interesting people and scandal, mayhem and murder. My newspaper, New Grace News, covers the lighthearted residents and uncovers the darkness in peaceful suburbia. You can read the latest edition at my website.

I would be hard pressed to name my favorite authors. My taste ranges from Scott Turow to Sophie Kinsella, from Stephen King to Dr. Seuss. If I was forced to go into seclusion and told that I could only take the complete works of three authors, and no other books, I would pick Jane Austin, William Shakespear and JK Rowling without a doubt. However, if given the choice, I would gladly trade the books for an unlimited supply of Pepsi.

As for how I spend my 'me' time I have several hobbies. There is my love of crafting, just about any kind. Sometimes I actually creates things that I am proud of and other times I ... well let's just say no one will ever see them. Cooking is also a passion. One of my favorite things to do is to try and recreate, or improve on, something that I had in a restaurant. Even though it is widely debated whether or not taking a bubble bath is a bona fide hobby, there can be no doubt that I have mastered the art.

I was born and raised on Long Island, New York. I completed my undergraduate degree in New Hampshire where I enjoyed all the snow it had to offer. I obtained my law degree at Ohio Northern University and learned how to tell the different kinds of corn just by glancing over the field.
  • JoinedMarch 11, 2016


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