
          Im trying to get some feed back on my writing and to see if I'm writing well. 
          You think you can read my book, Speechless? 
          Thank you so much if you do!
          Also! I LOVE YOUR BOARD! We are alike in a few things :)


Thank you so  for your feed back!
            But the mute is not a medical issue at all :)


Good luck with your book. I look forward to reading more of it 


@yamilethll I've read your book and so far it's amazing! I love it and can't wait for another chapter. I'm not sure but I may have read the old version though I have read many werewolf books.
            If you don't mind I'd like to give you a couple of typos about the plot of the book because I don't want it to fall into the background with the others. You don't have to read them if you don't want you it use then but I just thought they might be useful:
            - Add a ploy twist that no one directs that makes your book different from others.
            - Don't. Just don't ever have a mute character that is unable to speak because of a medical issue find a way to magically speak again. It doesn't happen. Just no. That's going too far in my opinion even for a book with werewolves.
            - I'm begging you done make the character be a hybrid or have 'special powers' because that just rooms the whole book and makes it too cliché, too much like everything else out there.