
I'm going out of the country next week so there likely won't be any chapters up next Friday but I'll try and get two out the week after -- no promises though!


Hey, it’s been a while since you updated, hope you’re doing well! 


i find it so funny when i finally look at an author's profile to tey and fine new reads, and realise i've already read like 3 of their books ! just finished a poet's tale, you are so talented i'm suprised it doesnt have more reads.
          love your work!


@PrisonMike13 I love that! Thank you and thank you for reading!


A plot-heavy chapter of Arcadian is up, hope y'all enjoy. In other news, I'll probably start posting chapters to the next story, Angelsong, within the next week. It's a good ol' canon divergent/everyone lives/found family story because that's simply what I need in my life haha


And we're back to our usual schedule with some more spice for this lovely Friday. I'm gonna go ahead and end Bound to be Good here. I always meant for it to be shorter and purely for my own indulgence haha. Anyway, don't forget to vote and comment!


I know you said your posting schedule may be crazy for a while- but I just hope you’re good and life isn’t too nuts for you! 


@cowgoesmoo23443 Yeah, I'm alive haha exams have been kicking my ass a little harder than I thought they would but luckily I've got the last one tomorrow! So, I can relax a little and the posting schedule should be back to normal. Thanks for reaching out <33