
Plan on actually producing a new story here! It's in the title of a book I may have already created here, but that doesn't matter as the premise is completely different.
          	Anyway! Two of the main characters are married with children, it's a very healthy relationship and the two are in their mid thirties. Just thought that would be fun to write about lol
          	Also, the story will consist of angels, demons, vampires, and some other supernaturals! How fun


@Mika21196 I have zero idea on a cover tho. Since I'm poor and don't wanna pay, I'll have to find a way to make my own lol


Plan on actually producing a new story here! It's in the title of a book I may have already created here, but that doesn't matter as the premise is completely different.
          Anyway! Two of the main characters are married with children, it's a very healthy relationship and the two are in their mid thirties. Just thought that would be fun to write about lol
          Also, the story will consist of angels, demons, vampires, and some other supernaturals! How fun


@Mika21196 I have zero idea on a cover tho. Since I'm poor and don't wanna pay, I'll have to find a way to make my own lol



Hi! I just wanted to pop by and say thank you for following me! I really hope you enjoy my book if you get the chance to read it. It’s a contemporary romance called Just Press Send. If you ever want to chat please message me or comment on my book– I love to talk about reading or writing! Have a great rest of your day!


@NikkiPierceBooks hihi! Of course, I love supporting other writers. I can give it a read soon, then! Also, I'd enjoy talking about reading or writing anytime. Feel free to send me a message right now if you wish! Same for you, have a good day.


Hi! Thanks for the follow:) I'm a fan of horror and poetry, too.


@Nyhterides hi! Of course :) that's good. I enjoy talking about things like that with others. Sometimes I like poetry that has horror inside it