
So I as I shall be getting on a plane tonight to fly to Greece, I decided that now would probably be a good time. So that whilst on the plane I can either write another short or work on Cracks and BTBW. 
          	So please let me know what you think of this one. I kind of love it, because I've not had characters quite as kooky as these. Also feel free to speak to me here or on twitter I always make sure to respond. 
          	And HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! xo


It seems like I owe you a formal thank you for voting for the two chapters of Countdown from Three from ALLLL the way back in September. xD
          So thank you. ^ ^
          I have now graduated from high school and am now waiting for my ATAR. O-O This is scary I remember when you were in my place, Kaela-chan.


@12Anne16 Hahaha it's okay.
            WOOO!!! Congrats :D 
            Haha yeah ... it's pretty scary but you'll be fine. 
            What are you thinking about studying and where? 
            Also I'll be graduating from Uni in a week and a half.....


So I as I shall be getting on a plane tonight to fly to Greece, I decided that now would probably be a good time. So that whilst on the plane I can either write another short or work on Cracks and BTBW. 
          So please let me know what you think of this one. I kind of love it, because I've not had characters quite as kooky as these. Also feel free to speak to me here or on twitter I always make sure to respond. 


Hey everyone, 
          So as promised I've posted a new short story. I wrote this for my Short Fiction class, its very different to anything I have attempted to write in the past. So please enjoy and let me know what you think and I should have another short story for you in a few days once I finish editing it.
          Have a wonderful week. 
          MikkyZ xo


Hey so I'm not sure how many of you will pay attention to little ol' constantly absent me. My head has been so over the place the last couple of years after losing my dad the most I could do was make sure I was completely focused on my assignments and trying to do well at Uni. And I have been. But now I want to return. I have two short stories that I'm going to publish that were written for my Short Fiction unit this year. I think they are both quite a bit different to the other things I had posted because I wanted to challenge myself. 
          I have missed being a part of the Wattpad community and will strive to at least post more regularly here whether it be in short stories or chapters in my books. 
          Which brings me to an important announcement. I'm thinking about deleting/discontinuing Born to Both Worlds. Mainly because I have completely no idea how to continue it and how I want things to play out. Not saying it'll be gone forever but for now it is not my main focus. And you may have noticed that Cracks in Her Reflection has already disappeared. Its been moved to drafts where I will edit the existing chapter to re-release it and then try and continue the story. However I'm thinking about changing the title, mainly because I'm not really feeling CIHR anymore. I haven't figured out the new title however any and all suggestions would be welcome :) 
          Thanks for sticking with me over the increasingly bumpy years guys it means a lot. 
          Thats all for now. So hopefully will have a short story prepared to post later today or tomorrow morning so stay tuned. 
          MikkyZ xo


@12Anne16 well I haven't started it yet. But I plan to after CFT :) I will back at Uni next week so we shall see.
          I kept meaning to over break and then just didn't... Was more focused on leisurely reading. But I do have two short stories that I wrote for my short fiction class last semester so I'm going to post them. Since they are slightly different to my previous works. I'm thinking about removing BTTB because I'm really not feeling it. And I want to rename CIHR because I'm not sure about it but I want to try and continue that story. Though will have to push myself because my motivation is severely lacking. Keep having bleugh! days where I don't want to do anything but stay in bed and read etc. Though have been trying harder at Uni and got two distinctions and one credit last semester and I was aiming for distinctions or higher so 2/3 isn't so bad. 


Have fun back in Uni~ xD
            In all honesty I've hardly read anything from you and it's been so long. xD
            And congrats for your uni achievements~ Writing's meant to be a fun thing so don't worry so much if you just feel like relaxing when you're busy I guess.
            Wow I'm starting to get worried about Uni life now.


Hello all you lovely people of the world :D 
          This year I am partaking in GISHWHES (Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen), run by Supernatural's own Misha Collins ... its only been a day and I have been on a crazy ride of emotions ... anyway!
          My team: FrenchToastMafiaLovesHamburgualarCas needs your help! The help of anyone with a twitter account really, we need you to follow our "alarm clock" account @FTMLHCalarm because we need to have 200 followers by Saturday. 
          It would mean the absolute world to me, and who know I might give a special mention or a dedication to any followers who do this :) Oh and if you do spread the word to your followers we need 200! 
          Thank you that is all... you may have a virtual cookie for reading to the bottom


@12Anne16 Not necessarily essays its writing for the workplace, so we learn corporate writing, media writing, how to construct speeches, reports etc. Magazine Feature Articles, personal essays (which are way cooler than your average essay) and much more.
          Its not properly cleared up yet, but I realised I was just kind of rushing into this particular story with barely even the basics figured out ... So might delete and try to focus on CIHR .... though I don't like the title and want to change it ... just don't know what to just yet :\


Yup, because you include 'I' and get to include personal anecdotes etc. 
            Haha I know .. its just hard finding the balance currently but I'm sure I will ... *fingers crossed* though I am currently on holiday in Bali ... so I have an assignment due Mon, then I think I should make myself write something anything (maybe a short story of some kind)


A cooler version of essays?
            Well, the forms of writing you're learning's cooler than what we're learning in English now. By far.
            You can keep writing without knowing the title~
            Ah I haven't read anything you've written for ages. Come on Kaela-chan~