
Okay, Make Me Yours is updated! I know it's been a while, but I think you'll like what I have in store! Have a great day!


Hello everyone!! I'm just going to give you guys a small update on the outlook of things. I have decided to write a christmas novella (which is coming along horribly, thank you for asking) and I will be posting the first chapter on Christmas (by the way, Swedish people, aka me, celebrate christmas on the 24th, not the 25th).
          Second, expect an update of MMY this very sunday, and I will be editing and reviewing all of the chapters. I no longer have an excuse....
          and... that's it for now!
          Oh! and I hope you have a great Christmas!


OMG!! 2,000 reads!! Thank you thank you thank you thank you.... means so much to me that people read, and (hopefully) like my story. Seriously - this is the thing that inspires me to write the most out of everything. Except maybe a John Green book.... THANK U!!


So, I regret to infrom you that I will not be updating Make Me Yours any time soon... I know I said I would but I can honestly not focus on it nor do I have any inspiration to write anything relating to it... 
          With NaNoWriMo coming up, I have sorry to have to tell you that I will not go on Wattpad at all until the first of december. 
          Sorry u guys!!!
          C u in little more than a month!!


So... I have a little confession to make.... I'm going to Singapore for a few days, so the update that you're expecting might be a tinsy tiny little bit late.... I'll be writing, but on paper.... SORRY!!!
          I'll c u all next week though, ok??
          Oh, and please promote my story, thx!!


Thank all of u guys who have helped me reach a thousand reads!! It really means a lot to me and I hope that you like and will continue to read my story... I have a holiday now so expect an update SOON!!! Thanks!!!