
Guys if I'm not updating my books its because I'm mainly working on my most recent book Marco Kart.        Also The Adventures Of Luke 3 is on the way


Aghh I finally realize how hard it is waiting for wave 4 of the booster course pass to come out


lol yes
            I thought totk was coming out in febuary but then I see an ad and it says MAY 17 AGHHHH


@MimicMarco us waiting for totk be like:


Scroll down. ALOT
          Trust me, this will put a smile on your
          Face, make your day, or help you.
          Every night someone thinks of you
          Before they go to bed
          At least fifteen people in this world love 
          The only reason someone would ever 
          Hate you us
          Because they want to be
          Just like you
          There are at least two people in the world 
          That would die
          For you
          You mean the world to someone.
          Someone you don't even know
          When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it
          When you think the world has turned its
          Back on
          Take a
          Remember all the compliments you've received.
          Forget the rude remarks 
          So if you're  a loving friend send this 
          15 people 
          Including the one that sent it to you (aka Me)
          Midnight your true love will
          They like you
          Something good will happen to you between morning 
          4:00 pm
          It could be anywhere. Get ready for the biggest shock of your life.
          If you break this chain YOU will be cursed with relationship problems 
          For the next year's.
          Send this to fifteen people.
          In fifteen minutes!! Make someone else's day! Help get a smile on someone's face! Help someone out! Remember you are loved! 
          FRIENDS- fight for you- respect you- involve you- encourage you- need you- deserve you- save you
          Send this to all your friends and me if I'm one... If you get 3 back you're liked, 7 you're loved.


+ ✨ Paste ✨ + 
          . + ✨ This ✨ + .
          . + ✨ On ✨ + .
          . + ✨ The ✨ + .
          . + ✨ Ten ✨ + .
          . + ✨ Nicest ✨ + .
          . + ✨ People's ✨ + .
          . + ✨ Profile. ✨ + .
          . + ✨ If you get . . . ✨ + .
          . + ✨ Ten back . . . ✨ + .
          . + ✨ Then you . . . ✨ + .
          . + ✨ Are really . . . ✨ + .
          . + ✨ Special <3 ✨ + .


Lol I wonder if anyone new to wattpad is viewing me like this wattpad pro guy


I think I'm  an ambievert but leaning toward an extrovert


@MimicMarco lol-
            basically, you know how we're into botw (breath of the wild ((zelda)) and you write a story about botw, and i read it, and we talk about botw and stuff?? that means that we're in the botw fandom! 
            and it's not just for like videogames n stuff, it can be like a book series (like how we like percy jackson) and movies (like disney and stuff) are also fandoms!
            lol, the fandom thing is kinda hard to describe, but i think you get it-
            and for introverts-
            basically there are 3 types of people: introverts, extroverts and ambieverts.
            extroverts are people who love to meet new people irl, and talk, and are comfortable around people! like, an extrovert doesn't get tired of other people, and would rather be around people!
            introverts are people who love being by themselves, and get tired of other people quickly. they dont like social interactions, and usually come off as awkward-
            (im an introvert-)
            and ambieverts are people who are basically in the middle/ a mixture of both.


wait what's an introvert and whats a fandom