
help reading some of my old comments when i thought i was heterosexual when i am in fact a lesbian now this is so awkward


i don't think i'll be writing any more x readers. once i become active again i'll be finishing my two x readers asap then try to move onto ships. or maybe just move myself completely to the alt i've been hiding on. i've had a lot of ideas for things, but i don't feel motivated to go ahead and write them (possibly because of my recently-diagnosed depression). i'll try getting over this slump i'm in and finish my books, i promise. i'll really try :(


I'm sorry. I feel like an azzhole just typing this. I'm going to be taking an indefinite hiatus. Stress has been really getting to me for awhile now and I feel pressured to update my books. I'm sorta lost in life and just… yeah. I will still be on Wattpad reading and whatnot, but I'll be using an alternate account. I honestly can't help but feel ashamed and like a disappointment. I say I'm gonna be more active, then just disappear. I often thank the readers of my stories, but yet don't give them the updates they deserve. I'm sorry.


another note: i'm unpublishing my personal book for the time being