
The first few parts of a new fanfiction I've been writing are coming out around 5! I'll update it every Sunday, so prepare yourselves for a bit of a wait in-between parts. Please, feel free to comment on anything and leave some constructive criticism.


The first few parts of a new fanfiction I've been writing are coming out around 5! I'll update it every Sunday, so prepare yourselves for a bit of a wait in-between parts. Please, feel free to comment on anything and leave some constructive criticism.


Hey guys! I'm back from a break that I'm not sure why I took... Anyways, what would you guys like to see next? If you need options, I've got a few things I'm thinking about. 
          1: More 'Looney Lovers'
          2: New 18+ lgbtq+ book
          3: New PG-13 lgbtq+ book
          So, comment what you think and any plots if you've got suggestions! I'm ready to get back to writing!


this message may be offensive
@ Mina_Yvonne  Looney Lovers, holy shit pls! 


Ugh... Guys, I know I haven't updated in a while, but I might need a little more time... My boyfriend just broke up with me and I'm not feeling that great. I'm working on another chapter right now, but I might not finish it for a bit. I apologise for the inconvenience.


OMJEESUS guys!! @SheeraAyame likes my story!! I'm so friggin honored, I could just cry!! Ya know what, I think I will. Excuse me while I squeal into my pillow.


@Darling_Dorito I don't mind at all!! I'm a night owl so any time will do. And thank you so much!! You have no idea how much you liking my story means to me!!


Awee, of course!! You’re a very great writer! ❤️ And don’t cry ahhhh!
              I hope you don’t mind if I PM you once I’m finished reading your story :) Again, awesome work <3<3