
Hello Followers!
          	Please take a couple minutes out of your time and read the first chapter of my new book Definition of a Woman. I am really having a hard time writing and some support would do wonders. 
          	Thank you so Much(:


Hello Followers!
          Please take a couple minutes out of your time and read the first chapter of my new book Definition of a Woman. I am really having a hard time writing and some support would do wonders. 
          Thank you so Much(:


So..... Officially finished with Sanity, and I am so excited. I will be focusing on Where Thoughts Go: until after the holidays, but I will be posting Definition of a Woman shortly after. Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read anything I post; I really appreciate it. Enjoy the season(:


Okay I am almost finished with Sanity there are only four chapters left. After I finish I will be starting another book I've been working on for a while. It is romance but defiantly not fantasy. It is called Definition of a Woman and I'm really excited to share it. I hope you like it(: