
If you're looking for a good or great book to read read Forced to Have the Player's Kid by @aggirl53


Guys I'm so sorry for me not updating I am writing a chapter and it's taking for ever because of school and it's kind of hard to think of things when you're reading two books for one class so please be patient thank you for staying with me. 
          Also I'll tell Jaeda (she writes monster) to try and update but she has the same problems as me actually even more due to her advanced math class that she's in so I'm sorry about our absences in our writing.
           Also please don't get mad at me when it says I vote for a book I can read on wattpad during class but u can't write because it looks like I'm texting people and I can't do that in most of my classes to thank you all so much for being here for us we truly deeply love you guys to bits
          Love always,
          Jayde & Jaeda ❤️


Guys I'm super sorry about the slow updates but I'm in school and I have to write papers and it's kinda hard to jump from U.S history to Lillian styles or any of my other books and as for the Jack Frost book that's my best friend Jaeda writing it I believe her user name is @Hey_or_Hi_5sos but I can't remember sorry but I do t right that book she does it's just on my account cuz we wanted to get reads up an I have more of you guys aka followers than her so ya sorry about the book but we'll try and update faster 
          Love Always,


That moment when you're reading a super popular book and yours is one of the suggested books or the other way around like if you're editing you book while reading it and you find After or a super popular book in the suggestions