
Ok though seriously guys do you ever think about how geese mate for life because I think that’s really sweet and it makes me warm inside and no I’m not high I just want to remind everyone that geese lives matter ok go on with your day I guess


Ok though seriously guys do you ever think about how geese mate for life because I think that’s really sweet and it makes me warm inside and no I’m not high I just want to remind everyone that geese lives matter ok go on with your day I guess


Hello! Just wanted to let you guys know that Chapter 24 might take a bit to come out just because I got out of the hospital at around 9:30 last night and I'm still not feeling too hot. Don't worry, I'm not gonna die, but yeah. Had a fever of 104 and just generally lethargic and headachey. They stuck a tube in my hand and sucked all the blood out. It was pretty freaky to watch. But anyway, I'm fine, and wanted to keep you guys updated. Love you all!


Okay! Here I go again, throwing out random ideas, but: in honor of 6k readers, I am holding ANOTHER cover contest for The Dragon I Loved.
           "But, Author-Chan! You already held one of those!"
           Yes. Yes I know that, reader #734. That's why I used the word ANOTHER. I'M SORRY I'M CRANKY I'M SORTA TIRED.
           Okay. If you wanna enter the contest, make a cover using anything you want. Picollage, Instagram, your sheer artistic talent which I seem to lack...anything.
           When you're finished, send it to me on messages, Instagram (my user is also Miplly)...yeah that's all the social media I have.
           You will get full credit for your beautiful work, which I obviously cannot create. Your user will be put in the description, unless you tell me otherwise...
           Ok. Cool? Cool. Contact me if you have any questions.


Hm. I'll give you guys until June 20th. I'm leaving for camp on the 25th, so I wanna have time to look at all your awesome creations.


          Oh and just to be sure its Yato from noragami... Well before he met Yukine and Hiyori 


Aw! Thank you so much! Yep, it's Yato alright, in all his godly glory. I needed cool profile pictures and backgrounds so I screenshot a bunch of pictures from anime openings. Now I have a bunch. 


Hi! How are you guys? I know this is random, but I realized that I don't really know that much about any of you. 
           If you want, you can respond to this saying your name, favorite color, if you have a pet and what kind and your favorite anime! 
           You don't have to if you don't want, but I'd love to get to know you better. Any other info you want to put, go ahead. Just for your safety though, no last names or exact addresses. Thanks!


@LucyHeartifilia4ever Awww! Thank you! I'm glad I'm a satisfactory writer. P.S. Ziggy sounds adorable!


@Miplly  My name is Charlotte. My favorite colour is ocean blue. I have a pet dog named Ziggy, he is a chocolate Labrador. My favourite(s) animes are Fairy Tail, Kingdom Hearts and Vampire Knight! YOUR STORIES ARE AMAZING~