
Currently working on chapter 9 of Little One. I hope to have it finished by tonight but no promises. I'm sorry I haven't been updating as much as I used to but hopefully I'll start updating more, Junior year is just really hard and I keep getting distracted. 


Currently working on chapter 9 of Little One. I hope to have it finished by tonight but no promises. I'm sorry I haven't been updating as much as I used to but hopefully I'll start updating more, Junior year is just really hard and I keep getting distracted. 


          Yall, I'm so aggravated right now. No, aggravated is not the right word to use but you get the point. Polyvore SOLD themself to some marketing people and ultimately it deleted them. All of my stuff was on that and i dont feel like going and getting everything off of there. I created outfits for my characters on there and now, I have to use other people's stuff. I'm highly annoyed. 
          Rant over.


I'm done! Finally, done with Little One. Only took me a month to finish into, though it is a short book but oh well. I'll make more stories in the future, depending on what it is because I know my friends are tired of seeing fanfictions from me so.... I might do my own wizard story. Idk. 


Y'all, I won't be updating for a while. I was just told my dog, Gumbo whom I've had since I was 5, just had to be put down. I'm sorry if I don't update for at least a month, I'm grieving because he was family. So sorry that I won't be on for a while. Stay beautiful/handsome lovelies. ~ Xx MBear


Hey, I saw you added my story 'Ashrain's Path' to your reading list! I don't know if you've read it, but thank you for giving it a chance and checking it out. It really means a lot to me.


Thanks so much! It really means a lot to me. I'm not kidding. I'm grinning like a crazy person right now :)


@maowarrior Yes. Writer and reader + the warrior code promise, I honestly really will. Your book is one of my favorites and i was really sad when i got to the end.


Those are actually really good ideas. So you're saying if I updated you'd read it?