
          	I'm moving to ao3 
          	my username is mishter Collins
          	the fic is still Don't Forget Me.
          	-More info in the "chapter" I just uploaded :)


Hi guys!! I don't know if any of you care about this, but I made a YouTube video!! It's a whole bunch of convention videos put together and it's really cute. My name on YouTube is supernatural vids, and the video is called Supernatural Convention Moments (totally original I know) Haha. Anyway, that's it for now, new chapter up maybe this weekend. It's pretty long, so I hope you like it :) ~Corrina


Hi guys! So I currently have been swamped with work, midterms are coming up, so I am going to try and post as much as I can! I am also going to try and extend the chapters because of the fact that they aren't that long, at all. Alright, thanks!