
Ok I was just on AO3 after becoming curious about if there were any Phineas and Ferb fanfics.... There are.. there are 3531 of them, 3440 of which being in English.
          	That's fine! great even! ..... I'm just confused/shocked about the relationship paring that I saw the most of before coming over here being flipping...
          	Heinz Doofenshmirtz/Perry the Platypus
          	Like seriously! I counted at least 8 before coming over here! I'm befuddled, and curious, so confused ‍
          	So confused... 
          	If you've got this far, thanks for "listening" to my small rant of confusion.


@Sleep_Deprived720  that's pretty much what I was thinking! 


Ok I was just on AO3 after becoming curious about if there were any Phineas and Ferb fanfics.... There are.. there are 3531 of them, 3440 of which being in English.
          That's fine! great even! ..... I'm just confused/shocked about the relationship paring that I saw the most of before coming over here being flipping...
          Heinz Doofenshmirtz/Perry the Platypus
          Like seriously! I counted at least 8 before coming over here! I'm befuddled, and curious, so confused ‍
          So confused... 
          If you've got this far, thanks for "listening" to my small rant of confusion.


@Sleep_Deprived720  that's pretty much what I was thinking! 


A little late on this but, 
          OCT. 1- Your deeds are your monuments. -Inscription on an Egyptian tomb
          OCT. 2- I do not believe in a fate that falls on men however they act; but I do believe in a fate that falls on them unless they act. -G. K. Chesterton
          OCT. 3- It is better to be in the dark with a friend than to be in the light without one. -John


Hey stranger I'm your 33rd follower


@MissCookiez1 now your have the same number of followers as reading lists