your name is LILAH BURKETT. you have a variety of INTERESTS. you have a passion for the SONIC AND HOMESTUCK FANDOMS. you have a fondness for CUTE BOYS and ANIMALS. you like to DRAW in your spare time. you enjoy ROLEPLAYING with anyone who'll give you ATTENTION. you play VIDEO GAMES everyday because they're your LIFE SOURCE. you spend HOURS on your laptop and phone because they're your SECOND LIFE SOURCE.

v additional information v

you're currently 16 YEARS OF AGE. your birthday is on NOVEMBER 7TH. your zodiac sign in SCORPIO. your favorite color is DARK BLUE. you're a HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT. you live in NEBRASKA. your patron troll is TAVROS NITRAM. }:o
  • nebraska, us
  • JoinedMay 5, 2016