
I'm thinking of returning. By now we all know you don't care about me anymore, but I've been writing an Attack on Titan fanfic on google docs for a while and I'm thinking of posting it.
          	Reply to this if you think I should return. If no one replies, I'll probably make a new account or post this on a different platform.
          	Have a nice day!


I'm thinking of returning. By now we all know you don't care about me anymore, but I've been writing an Attack on Titan fanfic on google docs for a while and I'm thinking of posting it.
          Reply to this if you think I should return. If no one replies, I'll probably make a new account or post this on a different platform.
          Have a nice day!


this message may be offensive
Yeahhhh so I most likely won’t be doing anything here anymore. Been way too busy and don’t need another social media addiction. Plus, I keep forgetting my password.
          I’ve messed with my character designs and such a fuck ton, so the likelihood of me continuing the story is less than 1%. Doubt anyone was really looking forward to it anyways.
          If you’re interested in what’s been going on in my life recently, I’m improving my art, getting paid to draw NSFW, and generally been doing okay. My chronic sadness has gone bye bye and I’ve learned to take care of myself. Also made a ton of new friends.
          Sorry if you’re disappointed in me but I may eventually start a web comic or something following a similar but much improved storyline. I’ll also show you my SFW art if you wanna see it. 
          Take care, and try not to kill yourself. ‘Kay? Love ya. -Naomi Takahashi (my new stage name)


oi come back


@MissLadyPsycho666 that one boy you wrote in the book? yeah that's me. Gay_Alien0


@-Cvtting_B4by_x0- I’m back but I forgot who you are TvT


Bro please apologize to them


@MissLadyPsycho666 Bro just listen to me.


To those of you who didn't already see the notification, the seventh chapter of If You Push Them Too Far has just been posted!