
Hey unicorns, just letting you all know i posted the prologue of my new book, please take the little time to check it out, vote and comment, feedback is so valuable. Let me know what you think, thank you xox ❤


With assignment and exams due throughout this week and recents, the time I have to update all my books has been restricted. In the past few weeks, I have learnt something so so important - Time is of essence. No matter where you are, who you are are with or what you are doing, stop and breath in the moment and create a forever memory, because little do you know what could happen, so please appreciate everything and everyone, before it's too late and you regret not saying, 'I love you' or 'thank-you' or 'I'm sorry.' Never let your emotions drown you, just let them free ❤️
          Thanks, Zess 


Hey guys, I know. I know. Sorry for being the worst writer ever and making you wait for an update on 'The Hunted' BUTTTT I finally did a few days ago and it's struggling to even reach 20 views, so if you could please take the time to check it out that would be great, cyaaa 
          Till next time, zessT_dreamer ❤️