
GUESS WHOSE BACK WHORES.....ME! soooo...I started a new book, and I'm finishing my current book (I love you..) ANDDDD yeah, I hope to be more active lol. to put yall up to date, I'm turning 14 in like 11 days... I think? IM in high school now lol. BUT ANYWAYS TALK TO YALL LATER, AND ALSO NEW CHAPTER WILL BE POSTED IN ABOUT 30-40 MIN? LOVE YALL BYEEEEEEEE.


GUESS WHOSE BACK WHORES.....ME! soooo...I started a new book, and I'm finishing my current book (I love you..) ANDDDD yeah, I hope to be more active lol. to put yall up to date, I'm turning 14 in like 11 days... I think? IM in high school now lol. BUT ANYWAYS TALK TO YALL LATER, AND ALSO NEW CHAPTER WILL BE POSTED IN ABOUT 30-40 MIN? LOVE YALL BYEEEEEEEE.


HI EVERYONE! ik I've been a little MIA recently, Sorry about that. I guess I've kinda grown away from Wattpad. I'm also not as in love with the twins as I used to be which makes it harder to find the motive to finish my book. Comment any type of concepts or ideas you have for my book so I can get back into updating, see yall later <3


@Missingthedolanz feel u,but don't give up okay,you got it girl! 


hi everyone sorry i haven't been active at all i kinda had to focus on myself and one good thing that actually happened is I got all my grades to a's and b's. but anyway if I have time tomorrow after in-person school, homework, and watching the last season of cobra kai i may update. that's it, I love you bye!


today has been the WORST. I start off my morning by spilling my iced coffee on my deck which goes down my walls and into my carpet. Then I drop my phone and It shattered the bottom half of my phone, I got marked tardy for joining a class late, AND the Dolan twins are leaving their youtube channel. Kinda sobbing right now but I will ALWAYS support their decisions. Anyways hru?


question: do yall think it's weird for a 13 yr old to get a nose piercing, cause I'm getting one tmrw and I'm scared ppl are gonna judge me. ANYWAYS NEW CHAPTER OUT LOL!!


No problem <3


No. It’s just a nose piercing and if you want one and your parents let you then get one. Don’t let others words stop you from living your life and of they have a problem with it, oh well. Their not you and the nose piercing doesn’t affect them.