
Opinions on the new Doctor Who episodes...I need someone to talk to about this as my friends either haven't watched Doctor Who, or some haven't caught up in the series.


@-GhostGhaff- Lots of singing in this season so far too...I'm excited to see more episodes, though I do hope they bring back one of the old monsters like the Daleks, Cybermen, Slitheen.


@Missreader2023 probably lol it’s disney’s after all. but that’s kinda besides the point. 


@-GhostGhaff- Just a heads up...my opinion on Doctor Who for the new episodes that I feel like they're more Disney style and a bit more child friendly than it is Doctor Who...


Opinions on the new Doctor Who episodes...I need someone to talk to about this as my friends either haven't watched Doctor Who, or some haven't caught up in the series.


@-GhostGhaff- Lots of singing in this season so far too...I'm excited to see more episodes, though I do hope they bring back one of the old monsters like the Daleks, Cybermen, Slitheen.


@Missreader2023 probably lol it’s disney’s after all. but that’s kinda besides the point. 


@-GhostGhaff- Just a heads up...my opinion on Doctor Who for the new episodes that I feel like they're more Disney style and a bit more child friendly than it is Doctor Who...


I'm working on Bad Wolf High School - Book 1 Time Lady. I'm writing a draft of the first chapter as we speak and then once it's done then I'll reread it for errors before I publish it. I may even change the book a little because I've got a book series similar to this one but not a dark romance....so the characters may be changed a little more.


101 followers, wow, thank you so so much for all the love and support! Updates are coming, I am working on plans for the books on here, though there is only 200 pages a book, one of them pages gets used to make the plan for that specific book, so I can remember what each chapter is about and how it links up with the following chapters!


Would anyone read a series to do with Doctor Who and Torchwood, but it is the Doctor's daughter being stuck on Earth and attends a high school, college/university, and has her own life with her own friends and a love interest as well as balancing life, monsters, and creatures coming for her as the Doctor's daughter?


I'm not working on any chapters tonight, instead I have some ideas for original books based on my childhood of watching Minecraft roleplays that helped me get through bullying in high school. Just a random question, has anyone else used to watch Minecraft roleplays too?