
I am currently unable to post any new chapters, but I have already completed a few upcoming ones and finishing up another as we speak.  Just an fyi for those who read TLON. I may eventually go back and fix a few scenes later on when I can.


Good afternoon,
          I’ve had some writers block for awhile and lack of motivation overall.  Hoping though I can get back into it very VERY soon.  I would like to admit a few things:
          Ever since I first started TLON, I never went back to rewrite parts of the story...due to some excuse “I can only write it once and within that moment in the story”.  Well, lately I’ve been thinking about parts in Book 4 that I wish I could change I some way....it’s a bit irritating that I’ve blindly made Nightshade a crybaby...even though she’s just understandably broken and emotionally unstable, it’s not fully what I wanted.  As for explaining visual details of scenes...some could’ve been done better than they were.  Anyways, I’m most likely not the only author who’s come to this point, in fact I’m aware I am not.  I’ve begun to realize perhaps it’s better to plan out what is set to happen....then just come up with it overtime or as I’m writing, ideas such as the ending, emotional scenes, romantic scenes, etc...are sometimes moments thought out and pieces I REALLLY want to get to.  Yet I make it a rule not to skip ahead, write the in between first. 
          Excuse me for my rambling, these are just my thoughts right now.  I am looking forward to jumping back into TLON real soon, and hopefully, things will go as smoothly as they can. ❤️ 
          See you all later~


          College got in the way and since then I had extreme writers block, but I’m here to let you all know....at such an ungodly hour, that chapter 35 is now complete! I will admit though, it is a little lacking and somewhat rushed, I’m not entirely pleased with it but it’s the best I could think of at the time two days ago.  Anyways, I’ll be uploading this soon, more likely later today.  
          Have a good one til then~!


Hello lovelies,
          I sincerely apologize for this delay, a month of writer's block is no fun.  School has been of obvious importance.  But fear not my dears...TLON Chapter 34 is coming! And plenty more after.  I just uh...have to slowly get back into it.  I truly can't wait.  Anyways, this is just a small update, hoping to keep to it.  
          Til then my dears~! 


Good evening,
          Hewwoooo! Again.  Haven’t updated much for a good while, but it’s aight.  College stuff has been of importance lately.  Just recently saw the third and final installment to the HTTYD trilogy/franchise—-was satisfying to say the least.  Worth it! 
          But putting attention back on point,  I will get back on TLON when able, though agonizing at the moment since I’m ..really not allowed to work on it.  School stuff should comes first yes? 
          ....yeaaaa I think some of us could say otherwise, most of us anyway are guilty of it ya know? There are plenty of better things to do.  Many distractions.  You get the point.  Anyway,  just wanted to let y’all know...if anyone really reads this?? Lol. 
          Am trying my best.
          See ya.


Just an update:
          Yikes...my cast list is a bit late, has taken up about four hours of my time.  I'm not even quite finished...oof, that's what I get for having this many characters lol. 
          Anyways, still much to do, but will have to be set aside for school stuff.  I'll be sure to post something...maybe...later.  
          See ya.


Ello lovelies,
          I'll be honest, I am excited for all the upcoming plans set for TLON Book 4.  Speaking of which, let me tell ya this little fun fact!  Originally, Travis was set to be the main one of aid to Nightshade, that idea obviously changed.  This was due to the fact, both of them are a lot more similar than I had realized.  A lot of things in fact changed along the way for many of the chapters, but that's pretty normal I suppose when it comes to writing a story right? 
          Anyways, the entirety of the series should be completed sadly before the end of the year, it will not, as usual, be done the day the third Httyd film releases lol.   But that's okay, it allows more time to improve as a writer, making the story better, and moments with this beloved tale of mine last just a bit longer...I'm not ready to say goodbye.  But ever since I really got into it back in 7th grade, I knew one day it would come.  
          Anywho, Chapter 32 is in the works, will be posted maybe in the next few days, who knows, we'll see where my mind decides to take me with it. 
          Till next time!


Good evening,
          I am pleased to announce I am now finally back in the works on TLON.  I'm not sure why, but a trip to Disney World ceased my almost two-month long writer's block.  Lol.  Anyway,  I am looking forward to a weekend where I can just write for hours...since winter is obviously on its way...again.  I uh..don't really have much to say, tis been a long day, see ya.


Welp, that plan failed didn't it? lol.  New plans and ideas have sprung into my mind and having the third installment of the HTTYD being on the way, it's most likely due to said excitement.  Everything will be bittersweet, and I'm pretty sure no one is ready for all the feels they have in store.  Anyway, I have at least 1 more chapter ready to go....after that, you will be caught up.  I apologize for the wait.  
          Have been distracted so that's why no upload came lol.  
          I'll see yall later.


Hey all! 
          Sorry for late post, last week at college was finals....and Oof, it sucked.  Long story short, got stepped on by horse and had to go to urgent care 3 times, finally went to better doctors yesterday and had to get a boot.  All is good though! Happy to be home and such.  
          I’ll be getting the animation program soon now, since I have the time.  Already have skins and such made.  As for TLON, I’ll be posting a few chapters today, so be on the lookout for that.  I now also have the time to write....(happy bout that too actually). 
          Anyways, I’ll see you all soon, have a good one!