
In case anyone gets confused by the new story notification, I've now officially split the original one-shot of An Insecure Violet from the now titled AMP, making them two separate things. 
          	This was long since overdue, and it's good to get that clean-up going. AMP itself has been undergoing some clean-up as well, mostly in the earlier chapters. Grammer corrections, line rewrites, etc. Those have only effected AO3, but will eventually move to here as well.


@-Mama_Oruga- Uh...Maybe. I don’t know, that's a lot. It’s a lot of grammar and structure changes, along with line changes here and there. Why do you ask?


@MizuToriWP  Yes, I understand that, but could you make a kind of note of the changes made?


@-Mama_Oruga- None yet. Most likely I'll do it all on AO3 and then move them over here 


I know you're not doing Two Heroes or that I-Island movie but I really do wonder how you're gonna do something like World Heroes Mission. Given of what you've talked about the Paranormal Singularly Theory, I think there's a story to be had that involves that whole sort of cult thing. 


@Beastomorph That’s the movie I would want to do the absolute least, and definitely won't. 
            Quirk Singularity Theory is already established enough in the mainline story where doing the movie feels even more unnecessary. 
            The movies just aren't very good, and it would require a ton of reworking for them all to be interesting. Or, at least interesting enough for me to actually want to write them 
            Also Two Heroes is the I-Island movie. The 2nd movie is Heroes Rising. Even though those titles are both so vague and should probably be switched 


Rewatching S6 rn cause my God I haven't even started thinking that far for my story as of yet. 
          But I do wonder how you'll do the Touya storyline and his insistence of saying that "the past never dies" and how Midoriya relates to that or reacts to Touya's perspective. Essentially the Touya and your take of Midoriya interacting with each other is a fascinating prospect and I want to see how you'll pull it off man


Stupid question but on your Patreon do you like share plans for your story and future chapters or do you keep that under wraps?? 


@Beastomorph Some are still works in progress, but yeah. They should all just be for the $1 stuff There’s those and the Post-Summer Izuku and Kyoka costumes 




@Beastomorph  Mostly under wraps. I've shared a scene or two that will be included in the future, but nothing too far. I've shared a lot of the future character redesigns. Like Toga’s just went up, for instance. Along with Shoto and Momo, and the many will soon follow 
            I'll probably do some more, but most of the story planning is restricted to myself and a select few friends on Discord that I've come to trust their opinions and have helped form some great ideas 


Might be a dumb question, but do you have any idea how long it’d take you to finish Amp? It’s my favorite work of yours.


@MizuToriWP damn! lowki i don’t care how long it takes, i already know im finna enjoy every new chapter you make 


@Echo_Elites Jesus, I don't know. Years.


In case anyone gets confused by the new story notification, I've now officially split the original one-shot of An Insecure Violet from the now titled AMP, making them two separate things. 
          This was long since overdue, and it's good to get that clean-up going. AMP itself has been undergoing some clean-up as well, mostly in the earlier chapters. Grammer corrections, line rewrites, etc. Those have only effected AO3, but will eventually move to here as well.


@-Mama_Oruga- Uh...Maybe. I don’t know, that's a lot. It’s a lot of grammar and structure changes, along with line changes here and there. Why do you ask?


@MizuToriWP  Yes, I understand that, but could you make a kind of note of the changes made?


@-Mama_Oruga- None yet. Most likely I'll do it all on AO3 and then move them over here 


Um, hello. I want to say I love your story. It's really cool. I also love your drawings. 
          So I was wondering if you could help me draw a character. If you don't want to, I totally understand. 
          Thank you 


@MizuToriWP thank you so much. Don't worry, I understand. I'm also busy with my life rand rarely have time writing my stories 


@ChrisEsther24 If you're talking about a commission I can do that. I am busy with one right now, but I can get back to you
            If you mean actively guide you through a drawing, I'm not so sure about that 


Hey, everyone.
          So, a little announcement. 
          I plan to change the title of "An Insecure Violet" to "AMP".  If I can indulge my almost nonexistent ego really quick, I know that An Insecure Violet is "Iconic", so to speak. 
          But, here's the issue: The title was made for the original one-shot. It just doesn't fit the story anymore, along with, in my opinion, being just a liiiitle bit cringey. This story, and I'm sure you'll agree, has become about much much more than Kyouka's dysmorphia issues. We're well past that now. This story was meant to just be that one-shot, I decided to continue it later. So, the title just kind of stuck around. In reality, it's been outdated for quite a long time. It just doesn't encompass this entire story, along with the summary that needs to be changed as well. 
          AMP is our couple's official duo name. They're both the main characters, the focus is about as 50/50 as you can get. AMP just fits better. AIV will remain the title of the original one-shot chapter.
          Second thing is that the next chapter, "The Storm", is being worked on. It was supposed to come out last month, as I've been on a pretty good streak of one chapter a month. But, unfortunately, I've had a couple of health problems I had to deal with. I'm better now, but it still has its clutches on me just a bit. Mainly being, one of those problems stems from drawing and writing for hours everyday. Yeah, apparently your neck and nerves don't particularly like that. So, I've had to pull back as to not irritate that any further and make it much worse. 
          It's a big chapter, so just be a little patient.


this message may be offensive
I fuck with it


Hell yeah man I've been rereading different chapters for refreshers and I'd say I agree AMP does fit the whole story now. And secondly I can't wait to read the next big chapter but please do take it easy on yourself, we don't need you getting worse.


Unfortunately behind on the next chapter. Not only is it a big one in terms of events, but I had some health issues the last couple weeks that set me back. 
          I know I never set a schedule, and I will always stand by that to alleviate some of the pressure. But, I've been doing about 1 chapter a month, and that felt good. Just sucks to lose my streak. 
          Anyway, that's it. Later ^-^


@MizuToriWP No worries. Rest and recuperate. Your stories are timeless and there's no need to worry when you've got loyal fans.


@MizuToriWP Take care of yourself man.