
ok so I'm finally updating sticks and stones after months of hiatus and writing.
          	So I know no one is gonna read this since no one really read my story but part of it was writing in middle school, then freshman year, than during that summer.


ok so I'm finally updating sticks and stones after months of hiatus and writing.
          So I know no one is gonna read this since no one really read my story but part of it was writing in middle school, then freshman year, than during that summer.


Why did you delete The Sticks and Stones. (´`;) ?「(゚ペ)(︶︹︺)(︶︹︺)(︶︹︺)(︶︹︺)(︶︹︺)(︶︹︺)(︶︹︺)(︶︹︺)(︶︹︺)(︶︹︺)(︶︹︺)(︶︹︺)(︶︹︺)(︶︹︺)(︶︹︺)(︶︹︺)(︶︹︺)(︶︹︺)(︶︹︺)(︶︹︺)(︶︹︺)(︶︹︺)(︶︹︺)(︶︹︺)(︶︹︺)(︶︹︺)(︶︹︺)(︶︹︺)(︶︹︺)(>д<)\(〇O〇)/(━┳━○━┳━)⊙︿⊙(;_・)(;_・)


@ThatOneGirl523 I have put the story back up, and will update more of the chapters later on! Thank you so much for your support


@ThatOneGirl523 aw thank you!! Honestly, I really am surprised someone actually likes the story.  And you're welcome. I'll put the chapters back soon