
And suddenly it says April 30th.... What?!


That’s weird….


Updated my about section, showing my Quotev and Discord for PM's.


Ok. Just sent it 


this message may be offensive
On May 6, 2024, Wattpad, for some fucking reason, other than being complete idiots, are going to remove private messaging! What the hell, Wattpad?! You do realize that these are important, right?!


@RockyJMoon I know we don't talk much, if any I think idk, but I have a discord or quotev, they're in my about


@MonarchChaos yeah. I just got the message. Although strangest thing. One of my friends took a screenshot of his message, and it said April 30th. That’s a bit weird.


@RockyJMoon Check your inbox, there is a message there saying On May 6, 2024 0:00:00 UTC, user-to-user private messaging will no longer be a feature on Wattpad and existing conversations will be deleted. You will still be able to receive messages from Wattpad-affiliated accounts.
            And yes, I did copy and past that part.


Also, decided to change a few things for my Xenoverse story, no harem, single love interest that will be an OC, and the first chapter will be completely rewritten. As I'm going to make it be inspired by TP_Raikun on youtube, similar to the idea on my friends @StoryTeller_Tari's idea book. 
          One more thing, I deleted my story idea book, don't worry, a new one will take it's place


The oc will probably be one of the girls that was in the harem, before I decided to you know, remove that concept.


this message may be offensive
I feel like a fucking idiot right now, so Wattpad is removing mature stuff, but only if if involves characters under 18+ performing sexual acts, meaning if you have characters under the age of 18+ performing any sort of sexual activity, they'll most likely be removed. And if this upsets you guys, age them up. However, if you implied that the characters under 18+ did have sex, then that's fine, just don't describe it in detail. 
          Shoutout to @Zer01neX for the confirmation and for making me take a sigh of relief. He explained it here:
          Please give him and follow, and Zer0? Thank you for easing my worries.


Okay this is good news but what about the graphic violence? In the new guidelines it mentioned about the graphic violence. 