
OK I'm getting sick and tired of the comments surrounding Kae and his age so i will reveal here. Since the start of Vivid he has been about 18 and going on 19. He looks younger than he is cos genetics and he is a little bit shorter than the average person. He also doesn't really pay attention to himself and therefore doesn't really know how old he actually is -and Cody is a bit oblivious so neither would he have paid attention to anything -also in an apocalypse NOONE has access to a calendar and it is not a priority! I know several friends who are like this as well who don't remember their birthday or their exact age because they don't care (they have a rough guesstimate but at the end of the day don't think about it -until I get angry and I want a reason to eat cake). I am sick of these irritating assuming comments. Nowhere does it state Kae's exact age! It's what he thinks -and what people observe!


@MonochromeBlue Relatable. I don't bother keeping track of birthdays either.


That’s quite relatable, it usually takes me a few seconds to remember my age/birthday  


Hi Mono sensei (is what I decided to call u for now). I don't know if u'll even read this, but can u pls send me the physical characteristics of the MC of Vivid/Lucid?
          I'm dying to make some fan arts, but the only thing I can really picture right now is Kae's tattoos and right arm. My hands are itching to draw, but I want to try to be as faithful as possible to their characteristics, so pls. + How do I send them to u once I'm done?
          Best of wishes from a bookworm. 


Hi, the series(idk what to call it so) 'Vivid' and 'Lucid' were extremely good. Are there going to be any more follow-ups or updates on the series? (Just wondering if there will be a third book or a continuing of the second one-also if this question seems rude srry...idk)


@COLD_chat updates for the second one come in occasionally, if you follow the account you’ll see when it’s updated