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OMFG I NEVER REALISED HOW LONG IT'S BEEN SINCE I'VE BEEN ON THIS ACCOUNT. Ok so hii, how is everyone doing? I've been doing shitty, I mean everything could get better but I really hate where I moved. And all of my friends are moving, my best friend since 7th is moving to the other side of the fucking continent sooo yeah crappy. I'm thinking about discontinuing the bkdk fic, but I might re-write it. Thoughts?


the only thing that's not as shitty currently is that I'm learning more Spanish, so maybe one day when I go visit my lola I'll be able to talk to her :)


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OMFG I NEVER REALISED HOW LONG IT'S BEEN SINCE I'VE BEEN ON THIS ACCOUNT. Ok so hii, how is everyone doing? I've been doing shitty, I mean everything could get better but I really hate where I moved. And all of my friends are moving, my best friend since 7th is moving to the other side of the fucking continent sooo yeah crappy. I'm thinking about discontinuing the bkdk fic, but I might re-write it. Thoughts?


the only thing that's not as shitty currently is that I'm learning more Spanish, so maybe one day when I go visit my lola I'll be able to talk to her :)


Sooo I'm so so sorry for leaving for idk how long, but for all my fellow kirikami shippers, I have 2 headcanons.
          Denki and Izuku both learned Morse code to talk crap about the class and tell jokes. Well, Denki forgot they BOTH learned Morse code and was tapping out "I love you" on his desk while looking at Kirishima  Izuku instantly started shipping it like the good friend he is✨
          2nd one: Kaminari can play the ukulele, and once thought Kirishima liked Mina. So he was just up at 3:23 playing Mr. Loverman on his Ukulele and being sad ✨ 
          Ok the second one got me crying, please help 


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What I imagine a normal conversation to be if I could telepathically communicate with my soulmate:
          Sky(me): -3:56- Ey you up bitch?
          SM: What the fuck do you want I'm in the middle of tea time with the Queen of Ankleland (lol nice name xD)
          Sky: What were electric eels called before electricity was discovered?
          SM: ...What?
          Sky: You heard me dumbass.
          SM: idk EeLs? ZaPpErS?
          Sky: What kind of name is ZaPpErS?
          SM: idk man you started this >:(
          Sky: I did?
          SM: I fucking hate you
          Sky: Awww thanks :)))


LMAOOO MY SISTER WAS GOING TO DRINK MY MOUNTAIN DEW AND I RANDOMLY STARTED LAUGHING IDK WHY AND SHE LOOKED AT ME, AND WAS LIKE "You spit in here didn't you? Joke's on you, I didn't drink it!" SHE GAVE IT BACK TO ME, AND I SAID "Joke's ON YOU, I didn't spit in it!" And she quietly cursed as I took a big ass gulp of my soda XD


@MoonFlower5173 I will when I do it (I’ll do it soon)


@Huffleginny tell me what happens lol


@MoonFlower5173 ok that is freaking funny


Thanks for the follow 


@MoonFlower5173 that really means a lot


You guys are probably annoyed with me by now, but you guys remember that episode in MHA where they fight a nomu with a fire power? I can't remember if it breathed fire or controlled it, but what if that nomu had something to do with Hisashi? Y'know, Deku's dad? Just a theory.


@MoonFlower5173 I'm gonna need more coffee for thiS-


Hi there humans, you're probably mad about me not posting a 3rd chapter (not like anyone read the book-) of 'The backwards clock', but I need some help. I have no motivation, no inspiration, and no ideas for it whatsoever. Do you guys think you could tell me an idea for a KiriKami ship moment? It should be a subtle moment, and they meet at Kirishima's archery training spot. *gibberish noises because I have no idea what to say now* :,)))


@MoonFlower5173 You're doing great!! Keep up the work though (cause it's okay to be in hiatus for awhile, at least you still thinking of your precious works) 