


          Watch and I dare you to come out and say that this is right. They claim the Palestinians have no right to the lands because they've only lived there for supposedly 1500 years. I mean what is 1500 years of living in a land, right? It doesn't make it your home. But if that's the truth then all the Americans should leave their homes now, because it's actually ok for Americans to fight for their independence against the country of literally their ancestors when they have lived there for literally 100 years, it's ok if they arm their children and make them fight against injustice, I've watched The Patriot, and I dare say most sympathize with him for arming his kids and making them kill British soldiers. But Palestinians are animals, not humans, right? So they have no right to fight for their own lands. There's a video there of how Hamas treats their hostages. They're heros and I'm not ashamed to say it. They're fighting against decades of oppression and injustice. But there are still those who are blind to the truth and would rather close their eyes and curse us. 

          WARNING: Explicit content in the video. 
          I just wanted to share this video with you because people are claiming that the Palestinians dance in the streets when Israeli die, when it's actually the other way around. They record videos of them dancing, but they're doing so because they want to cheer their children up and make them forget, even for a short while, that they live in actual hell. I mean they are still holding on, they're cheerful, they literally die by the thousands and they just keep smiling and being strong for their kids.
          People say I'm a terrorist sympathizer because I support Palestine, but the truth they don't want to see is that Israel is the true terrorist here. I've literally been raised hearing Palestinian kids calling for help. You might've listened to songs like old Mcdonald has a farm, I was listening to Palestinian kids singing give us back our childhood, give us peace, and O you who wouldn't let me have peace, who barricades my laughs and my dreams.
          Every day on the news we heard about Palestinians dying, kids, women, civilians. Literally every freaking day. 10 thousand Palestinians have died in the west bank in the last 20 years alone, and only 1000 Israelis, so when these are the numbers, it's not Israel avenging the death of its people, it's the other way around actually. And I repeat, nothing justifies the killing of 8000 thousand kids, using white phosphor which is a war crime, but hey Palestinians are not humans, they're Arabs which means they're animals, so Israel hasn't broken any laws.
          Ironically, Palestinians are protecting and still feeding their animals, their surviving animals that is. 


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Hey guys,
          Hope you're doing great!
          I just wanted to tell you that I'm not feeling bad anymore and I'm actually ready again to take on the world. I feel so ashamed of myself right now because there were moments when I doubted myself and my religion. I mean even after I give them the truth with the real verses of the Quran they say I'm disgusting, so I just started to think that maybe there's something I'm messing. Especially that I openly support Palestinians. 
          But then yesterday, I stumbled upon this video of a non Muslim American, and he was saying that people are afraid of Islam because Muslim men are true men. They're explicitly ordered by their god in the Quran to protect, care for, and financially support their wives and cherish them till they die. I felt so happy because I literally used that verse when they claimed in their disgusting pictures that it talks about rape, and I just put it out there and say I see no rape there and this one girl says stop defending you're God, you're just proving that he's more disgusting than we think. Literally for telling men to take care of their wives. And then that guy went on and said be proud you were born a Muslim woman because they're treated like queens, and that's literally the truth. I love my parents because my mom wished for a first born baby girl and I was her wish come true, and my dad has treated like his little princess ever since.
          So, here I am, proud and sending love from my home. 


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You'll find them saying that in the Quran it says you need 4 witnesses to prove rape, but when you google the number of the Surah, you'll find the verses telling a story of a married woman accused of adultery, and the Quran defending her and saying you need 4 witnesses before you can commit such a shameful act of spreading false rumors about chaste women. And didn't they say that Islam calls for rape, why do they need 4 witnesses at all to prove that someone is guilty of such a heinous crime if they don't consider it a crime in the first place? But when I say that, you know what they say to me? "You just proved that Quran has more shitty stuff". Are you for real, people? 
          Mohammed (peace be upon him) had a Jewish neighbor who used to throw garbage at his doorstep. He never once cursed his neighbor or fought with him. One day he woke up and he found no garbage at the doorstep. He went and asked and was told that his neighbor had fallen ill, so he went to visit him and wish him speedy recovery. That sets an example for Muslims to love their neighbors no matter their religion or identity. He teaches us to meet bad deeds with good deeds. He even forgave the woman who made her slave kill his dear uncle and then she went on and sliced open his stomach and chewed his liver to humiliate him. Would you forgive that? It's not Islam's fault that the minority are extremists. 
          I have a lot more to say to defend my religion, a religion that calls for peace and love abd cares for its followers, be they white, black, men, women, children, it says there's no difference. But I won't answer any hate mails or accusations with reason anymore. I'm tired of saying I'm not a terrorist. I will just block whoever leaves any hateful words on my message board or my private chat. 
          Have a good day, guys. 


@Moon_G0ddess ♥ You're welcome! Remember, be brave and be the great person that Allah wants you to be! Those who send you hate will one day themselves realise how wrong they were.


@EmeraldGoldWrites Thank you so, so much ❤️ ❤️ I knew you would never disappoint me cause you're my true friend. Is it weird that I want to say that I just love you so much now I really wanna give you a hug? You will always be one of my best friends here ❤️❤️❤️


@S_R_Patra Thank you. Thank you so much for your kind words. I appreciate them from my heart ♥ 


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Just because a few Muslims, 0.003% of our population actually, committed atrocities and claimed they did it in the name of Islam doesn't mean that's what Islam is. The world would just overlook the fact that the other 99.97% of muslims are just normal people. In the first crusade they massacred Muslims to the point that the blood reached their ankles and they danced around the fire burning Muslims and singing O Christ we love thee yet you'd never find anyone accusing Christianity of anything A muslim child and his mother were stabbed in the U.S a few days ago the child was stabbed 26 times and died because of an Islamophobic man Yet no one says anything about it Less than 1% of the terrorist activities in the world are carried out by Muslims, yet the other 99% are ignored It says in the Quran whoever kills a soul without reason, the reason being only self defense and revenge against murders, is as though they killed the whole world, and whoever saves a soul is as though they saved the whole world. It doesn't say a Muslim, it says a soul. That's the truth of my religion. You'll find many disgusting pictures of hateful words with the number of the verse in Quran written as the reference, but if you google it, you'll find the exact opposite of what those pictures say. The only time the Quran said kill the disbelievers, you'll find the words preceded by if they wage war against you and followed by if they want to make peace, then make peace with them and know that Allah is most Merciful all Forgiving. Are Muslims not allowed to defend themselves when someone wages war against them? It's laughable actually because when you google those verses, you'll find them speaking about topics like marriage and inheritance and nothing even remotely related to rape or anything else. 


Hello, everyone and all of my dear friends on wattpad. I do hope you're doing well. 
          There's something I wanted to clarify here after gathering my courage. You all know that my name is Esra and that I love the nickname Sara which has been given to me by my friends and family. But my real name, Esra, is a Muslim name. You'll find it on the cover of my book. I've been named after Surat Al-Esra and I'm a proud Muslim. I've been here on wattpad for two years now and I have made a lot of friends. Never have I ever offended any of you or called you by any bad names, yet if you think that I'm a terrorist and a hater of all living beings, you are free to unfollow me. I won't accept any more hate mails, any more death threats or any more cursing. I'm a human being of flesh and blood and I have feelings. I know my religion very well, I pray five times a day and memorize chapters of the Quran and Hadith, and I know there's not one word of hatred in my religion. 


@AnnamitaMuscaria Thank you so much, I really needed that ❤️


I’m so sorry if someone hurt you and no one should judge anyone by their religion as it doesn’t define a person. I hope you’re okay and I’m sorry again.


Hey, guys!
          Too many notifications from me today, but I'm not sure if you're getting any. My wattpad is malfunctioning for some reason, so my DMs aren't working, and I haven't been able to respond to comments on my books either. So this is me apologizing to you. Promise I'll try to respond as soon as the problem is fixed, which I don't know how much it'll take since it's not up to me.
          Stay safe,