@Morally_Gray my paragraphs this mornign didn't send, so here's me rewriting it, i just want you to feel better :)
staying alive is hard. i understand. sometimes things happen for you to feel that way, makes you feel like you overreacted for wanting to leave the world. maybe something bad happened today, your day didn't go like how you planned it to go, maybe something upset you, like a work getting deleted and you can't recover it, or maybe you dropped something really important, like a project you've been working on for weeks, or food.
life is stressful. and as long as you live, it'll get more stressful, but if you made it this far, there is nothing you can't get through. i imagine life is hard, and it keeps getting harder and harder for you to the point you don't wanna be here anymore. and i get it, i really do. but leaving the earth is not the answer.
you've got a lot to live for, maybe you'd want to show the people who let you down or put you down that you can do it and you don't need them and their bad energy or discouragement. maybe you'd like to try that new recipe you've spotted that sounded or looked good. maybe you have a new idea for a story. there is nothing you can't push through.
as far as i know, you've pushed through everything. you've pushed through life, grade school, becoming a writer, you've pushed through family, fake friends. and all of those things are achivements. they always will be.
so if you need a tiny push to get back up on your feet and beat life again for the however time this year? so be it. you'll always have people here for you, you'll always have a support system. i'll always be here if you ever need it, and don't feel afraid to reach out.
i'm more than willing to listen or talk if you ever need it okay? you're not alone. and you never will be. not with the people here, ever. ^^
on a siide note, are you doing okay now? if you arent feel free to reach out okay? i can listen if you need it, i hope so, feel better soon okay?