
Does anyone still want to read Run Boy, Run (Temp Title)? I know I have not even uploaded the second chapter. I started writing it but life got in the way....


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Right. I'm gonna post this here. I'm going to post this now. 
          My fic, currently named Run Boy, Run,  does touch on heavy subjects and I assure you I know what I'm writing about. 
          The overall message will be about self growth and the ability to come back from a shit past.
          Lastly, this is my account. Don't tell me what to write and what to not.
          Thank you, C


Hey y'all. My story got reported and deleted cause I "violated their terms" dunno what that means but I lost majority of my stories that I cannot get back. It cannot be restored. Please keep watching my account. I'm moving to A03 soon....
          I'm sobbing right now I lost...all my chapters on the destiel book...


Hey! I've gotten a lot of new readers and followers! How are you? What's your favorite color? Favorite book? Favorite place to go? What country do you live in? 
          I'd LOVE to get to know you! 
          Happy reading! 


            I’m good, my fave colour is black and navy blue. Favourite book is all of Rick Riordan books. Favourite place is the library. I live in Tartarus.


@MoreGayShit69 not if you don't want to 


@MoreGayShit69 dO I AnsWeR aLl oF thOse?