
Hi there.
          	Heres the tea.
          	I am moving to a new account which will be tagged at the bottom of this when i have made it. Dark Fae and Ripped to shreds will be posted there when i've had time to revamp them, specifically Dark Fae. 
          	The New ACOTAR fic is being written, still has no title, i'm working on it, will be there and i won't be updating on this account anymore.
          	Hopefully see you all on the new one


Hi there.
          Heres the tea.
          I am moving to a new account which will be tagged at the bottom of this when i have made it. Dark Fae and Ripped to shreds will be posted there when i've had time to revamp them, specifically Dark Fae. 
          The New ACOTAR fic is being written, still has no title, i'm working on it, will be there and i won't be updating on this account anymore.
          Hopefully see you all on the new one


omg your pfp!! 
          where did you find it?!


@Pink_Beastie Its from the appendices of the Lord of The Rings trilogy, I have the extended addition ones that come with the appendices. It basically gives all the behind the scenes stuff about how they made the films as well as some interviews from the actors. Its really good. The pfp is one of the pictures you get to see so thats where I got it. 
            Glad you like it and sorry for the late reply


Hello peoples, so.
          I have no finished school, never to return. That means yah gurl has free time now. Which means writing,
          I will be finishing dark fae, just not yet.
          I have a new fic that will be released in the coming weeks, I'm going to write it all and then release the whole lot so y'all don't have to wait like you did for dark fae.
          I'll tell you the basics
          It is an ACOTAR fanfic staring Rhys' sister, who will be resurrected. I will have her name as Velaris because I love that idea. We don't know her exact age, but we do know that she wasn't "of age" in fae terms so I would guess she was abut 75. For the purposes of it making it easier for me to write, I'm going to have it so she is resurrected into how she would have been if she never died, making her about 575-600. Still young in fae terms but not a child.
          The start of the book will depict what i think her death would have looked like so be prepared for that.
          The timeline will be from the start of the war with Hybern, then continuing on into ACOSF
          I warn you, you may not like what I do with her as a character, that's fine. I'm just writing what I imagined when I first decided to write this book
          I do have a few questions for anyone interested in this, 
          Would you prefer 1st or 3rd person writing? It is currently in 1st but it can easily be changed into 3rd
          Is there any preference you have for a love interest? there currently isn't one but if you would like someone specific let me know.
          Also if y'all have title suggestions please tell me I am STRUGGLING


Ok people, FINALLY finished re writing Dark Fae so I fixed a few plot holes and the timeline issues so it all fit correctly now. Anyone actually following the updates I would recommend you go back and look at the changes because they DO affect the plot and general structure of the story. Otherwise, there is a new chapter up and there will be more following shortly!! 
          Thanks peoples!!
          - Mor


Very excited to announce a collab project with my great friend @stangalina . The story will be on my wattpad account as well as a joint A03 collab thing (not really sure how that works she handles that bit). The first 2 chapters, that are out on A03, are up and the 3rd will follow later today.
          It is a Fairytail Nalu fic and we are both VERY excited about it


bu mesaj hakaret içeriyor olabilir
People I need help, wattpad was an ad's and now I've lost the book I was reading, because like a dumbass I forgot to save it to a reading list.
          I was an ACOTAR oneshots book that had over 100 parts. I can't remember the author and I can't find the book. If anyone thinks they know what it is PLEASE help me.
          If you seen my comments on an ACOTAR book please respond to them so I can find it again. It's such an amazing book and I want to read the rest!!
          If the author somehow sees this, please tell me your book!!
          Thank you people