
Hey everyone!
          	So it's official now, the pm's are gone.
          	With that being said, I'll delete this app. It has no use for me anymore. Whoever wants to join my dm's on discord is welcome there, just look in my bio for my tag!
          	Well, hope everyone has a great time and maybe we'll see each other on another platform ^^


Hey everyone!
          So it's official now, the pm's are gone.
          With that being said, I'll delete this app. It has no use for me anymore. Whoever wants to join my dm's on discord is welcome there, just look in my bio for my tag!
          Well, hope everyone has a great time and maybe we'll see each other on another platform ^^


Heyoooo shroomies!
          Well... it's been a while...
          I'm truly sorry for that and I wish it didn't take that long but hmm here we are. 
          Way too much happened that I don't wanna talk about in here, but fact is that I'm on a good way now!
          Uhm I heard that Wattpad is deleting dm's..? If that's the case and you're still down for the roleplay I'd appreciate it if you'd add me on discord ^^
          In my bio you can see the username :)
          Well hope you're all fine and still open for a good old roleplay ^^
          See ya on Discord :3


Hey shroomies,
          I hope y'all are well! I wanted to provide a brief update on my current responsiveness. Life has presented me with some challenges, and there have been recent unsettling events near my town that have left me grappling with emotions.
          I'll share more information at the end of this message with a trigger warning, but for now, I'm keeping the details minimal so that everyone can read comfortably.
          Please don't be upset if my replies are less frequent at the moment. I anticipate being offline or intermittently available for the next week or two. While I can't specify exactly when, I want to assure you that I plan to return soon. Your patience during this time is greatly appreciated. Thank you for understanding.
          ⚠️Now here BIG FAT TW (su!cide, m0rder, ed,..)
          Not only did my cousins best friend unalive himself in school last week, no.. yesterday a student near my town was unalived too by her ex.
          I'm not involved personally but that rn just the tip of my iceberg.. I also feel like my ED is coming back but worse since I don't wanna eat at all, and I'm just confused and overwhelmed in every situation...
          I have help yes but still not sure how to deal with all of that at the moment...


            thank you so much! And yes well I feel the same towards the girl and my cousin.. life is a bitch at the moment and nobody's too sure how 2024 would be since the first month isn't over yet but keeps ramming into everyone's hole TwT


@Mother-Mushroom oh no:( I am so sorry for you and your cousin, and for the student's parents. I feel terrible for everyone, that should never happen to anyone. And I really hope your cousin is okay, I never had anyone close to me actually do something like that but I can imagine that it would hurt a lot.
            And for the parents, I feel terrible for them, the ex should be put away for a life time. The poor girl, that never should've happened to her.
            And for you, I hope you'll be okay, if you ever need to talk I'm always here to talk to. But I understand if you need time, all of that happening is sure to make you feel, not so good.


(That best friend was btw 11 years old... so for all of those Karen's that say it's not a big deal... LISTEN THAT KID WAS 11!!)


Hey shroomies ^^
          Wishing the last week I've got a lot of new people to rp with ^^ very very nice!
          But I just realized that my Wattpad is lagging yet again and won't let me receive messages... please don't be mad if I haven't replied yet I just didn't get your message yet TwT
          Well hope Watty will fix this issue soon!
          See ya in dm's <3


Happy New Year Shroomies!!
          I know I'm a little late with it but I just wanted to say thank you for the last year! It was a great experience to start/continue all the roleplays. I've learned a lot within the past year and I can't wait to grow even more with this one!
          I'm locking forward to keep chatting with y'all <3
          Stay the way you are and a little advice for the start of the year: Take breaks in between.. it makes no sense to force yourself to keep going if you have no energy left. Remain calm, take a deep breath and take care of yourself!
          Love y'all <3


Hey Shroomies, how y'all doing?
          I can finally breathe again.. my exams are over (for now) and I have a small winter break. After Christmas I feel relieved that it's finally all over haha
          For those who've waited so patiently I'm very thankful! I swear I had other plans haha but yet my school thought otherwise.. whatever I'm back in the game xD 
          I already texted a few but please if I didn't text you yet and you'd be down for a rp we already discussed or you wanna start one whatever just text me <3
          We'll see each other in chat!


          Guess who's kinda feeling a little better wohoo yes it's me (obvious lol haha) well I'm gonna take some time to reply to y'all even though I'm kinda tired now. So if you won't receive a message wishing in the next two hours please be patient until tomorrow!
          See you soon!


Hello my shroomies!
          How have you been?
          Guess who finally got their account back :)
          The problems have been fixed, and I'm back with a lot of energy..
          I do hope y'all are still down to rp. I've been quite inactive on discord too so please don't be mad if I haven't replied yet. Feel free to tag me!
          Fynfact: I do have more characters, but I don't really know how to add them to my book just yet.
          Dm me here or on Discord if you want to rp! 
          Until we text again ^^
          ~Ash I


          Watty is weird rn... it's an issue they're already trying to fix but no one has any clue where this is coming from.
          If you're fine with it I'd like to change to discord for now! Annoxx#1656
          Please add me there or wait until Wattpad fixed the problem ^^
          Take care!


@cookieclan Perfect, I accepted it ^^


@Mother-Mushroom just sent a request^^


            I've noticed Wattpad's been acting kinda crazy as well. Hopefully it's fixed soon.. :')
            But for now, I'll go ahead and add you on Discord! My name is the same as it is here so you'll know it's me haha