
Yo friends!!
          	If you’ve been here for a while, you know that I first got “noticed” (?) if I can even say that (10K reads on a 60-something part story really isn’t that much lolol) by my Adam Lambert fic. I’ve since finished the fic and started writing a sequel. Both of these books have since been unpublished. I am incredibly proud of them and they were my first two books I poured my heart and soul into, but I have been very distant on my account and need to work on perfecting them (whenever I have free time) before they are published again. 
          	I can’t wait to get them up for you all soon!!
          	Thanks for reading :))


honestly, I don’t know :( I want to go back and fix up the storyline (not change it by any means, but make sure it stays in chronological order) and some grammatical mistakes with how I wrote it. In the mean time, I’m working on my Greatest Showman story!! Feel free to read it if you enjoy that kind of stuff :)


Its good hearing from you again, any idea when itll be posted back up?


Yo friends!!
          If you’ve been here for a while, you know that I first got “noticed” (?) if I can even say that (10K reads on a 60-something part story really isn’t that much lolol) by my Adam Lambert fic. I’ve since finished the fic and started writing a sequel. Both of these books have since been unpublished. I am incredibly proud of them and they were my first two books I poured my heart and soul into, but I have been very distant on my account and need to work on perfecting them (whenever I have free time) before they are published again. 
          I can’t wait to get them up for you all soon!!
          Thanks for reading :))


honestly, I don’t know :( I want to go back and fix up the storyline (not change it by any means, but make sure it stays in chronological order) and some grammatical mistakes with how I wrote it. In the mean time, I’m working on my Greatest Showman story!! Feel free to read it if you enjoy that kind of stuff :)


Its good hearing from you again, any idea when itll be posted back up?


Hey guys!
          Recently my Greatest Showman fic has been put on the back burner. Know this is NOT permanent- I am taking a couple of weeks to recoup and enjoy the start of my summer vacation.
          The story will more than likely be a shorter story, around 20-ish chapters or so. My last fully finished story was over 70 and I am continuing to go through and edit. It will be republished as soon as I feel it should be.
          My Suburbia fic has been pushed aside as well. I am working on planning out the storyline and need to spend time perfecting it.
          Thank you guys so much for the support ❤️


To everyone who has read my Adam Lambert/ QAL based story-
          The story has since been unpublished- NOT deleted. This was done solely so I can eventually go back and do grammatical edits on it, and fix some errors I have noticed since publishing. 
          The story may come back or may not. I have yet to decide. So much stigma has surrounded the story, but I am still incredibly proud of my first work and have chosen to take the hate as a way to grow.
          The current stories I have been working on will continue as they have been.
          Happy reading :)


Hey guys!
          This is just an update for those reading my two current books, Suburbia and Devoted to His Daughter.
          The books will more than likely be postponed until the middle/end of June. I have finals in school coming up next week and although I have current drafts of the next chapters, I need to spend my time focusing on school.
          Thanks for reading!! 


Hi guys! 
          For those of you reading my The Greatest Showman fic and are wondering when new chapters will be up, I’ve got an answer for you!
          I will be writing at least two chapters over the next week and will publish them before Easter (April 1) so all of you can enjoy some more of the story. 
          Thank you guys for reading!! I’m so happy with how the book is turning out so far, you all are awesome and I couldn’t do this without you! 


Hello you guys!!
          There is going to be a new book put out sometime in the coming week, and I hope that all of you will give it a chance and read it.
          It’s not based on Queen, Adam or any musical artist, so please do not hate on the fact that I am broadening my horizons.
          Thank you all for supporting me thus far and if it ends here, I’m okay with it.
          Love you all ❤️


Hey everyone!! I know it’s been a while since I’ve updated. Honestly, school is my first priority and I haven’t had time to actively update all of my fics. Don’t worry, I’m still here :) 
          I’m going to try and update as soon as I can. Thank you guys for still sticking with me! Your support means everything ❤️
          Mr Bad Guy 26


Hey, I'm a friend of FlowerGothic, and I heard about what happened. I'm really sorry that she did that, it was really rude of her to do that, and my friend and I are trying to talk to her about it right now. I hope you understand, but she has some problems, you could say, so she sincerely doesn't understand how this is being conveyed as hurtful. I know it sounds iffy, but it's the truth. Again, I'm really sorry this happened! Keep up the good work!
          ~ broadwayGeneticist


Thank you! 


PLEASE be patient with me... I know I haven't been getting parts up as fast as I would like, but school and family life come before writing (sadly) 
          Thank you to those who stick around! You're the reason I love what I do :)